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Shop by Maker

Every product has a real talented woman behind it who chose to follow her passion and chase her dreams

Total stores showing: 10

  • Flamingo

    هوايه اتحولت لمهنه ..دايما بقول كده عن شغلى . اجمل حاجه فى الدنيا ان احنا نشتغل اكتر حاجه بنحبها و نساعد غيرنا انه يهادى اللى بيحبهم بهديه هاندميد اتعملت بكل تفاصيلها عشان اللى بنحبهم .. اتعلمت الكروشيه بعد الجامعه علطول لكن لما قررت ابدأ البيزنس بتاعى حاولت اتميز فيه و اتخصص فى الشنط بس المره دى مش اى شنط ،قررت اتخصص فى فن التابيسترى. بلد المنشأ قرية فى كولومبيا و انا ادمنت الفن ده لما اتعلمته و عشقت تفاصيله . فن جميل بكل تفاصيله من اول الرسومات و الالوان و شكل الشنطه ..بحاول انفذ تصميمات جديده لان الفن ده  اغلبه للشنط mochila bag او مخله بالعربى لانها شكل المخله لكن انا عملت منها الشكل المستطيل و الدائرى كمان دايما بنستخدم الخيوط القطن بس انا استعملت خيط الخيش و الجلود مع الشنطه عشان تكون شكلها مختلف.. الشنطه ممكن تتعمل  فى تلات اسابيع لان تفاصيلها مهمه ..عملت شنط تانيه بس كنت دايما بلف الف و ارجع للتابيسترى ❤️

  • Thiarah-handmade

    لاننا نهتم بالتفاصيل ونقدّر الذوق الرفيع نقدم لكم تشكيلة رائعة ومميزة من المصنوعات اليدوية عالية الجودة من الجلد الطبيعي والاكسسوارات المختلفة المصنوعة بايادي ماهرة لتصميمات عصرية وعملية وأيضا كلاسيكية ”Thiarah” is an Egyptian brand focusing on making and selling high quality genuine leather works with unique designs and made in Egypt!

  • Floral Soap

    I’m Mai Osama founder of Floral Soap an Entire Line of Natural Handmade Skin & Hair Care Products. I have been always obsessed with nature, colors, lines &anything made by my own hands. I worked with divers ruff materials like wood, plaster, pottery, glass and leather,  in addition to being a mom, there was no time for taking care of myself or skin. This was the start, I decided to leave all CHEMICALS &ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTS, searched a lot about natural oils & extracts, took a lot of time in studying & Courses. At the beginning, this was for my own skin & my family, but in the process I realized how important is it and I felt like I owed it to every mom or lady❤ that have no time to take care of herself. All magic is in Natural Oils Just use Natural Products  Use Natural Moisturizers Avoid Chemicals  And MAGIC begins. Thus I created an entire product line completely safe in every single way, made by love and naturally 100%.

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Welcome to I Make This

Group 17

I Make This! is a marketplace connecting creative “Makers” from Egypt with “Appreciators” of art and design.
In a world of crushing uniformity, we strongly believe in individuality. Hence, our makers are creative, talented women who sell unique products and offer innovative services. The makers are a variety of designers, crafters, and artists who can render anything you may need for your home, yourself, your family, and for those you may want to gift with a special handmade item. Our clients are not regular high street callers; they are equally unique in their appreciation of beauty, art, and its variant forms of expression.
We believe that products are stories that need to be told. I Make This! features the stories of hundreds of women whose passions turned into dazzling products and inspirational journeys
Our main mission is to support women with small businesses in reaching huge markets at a minimal cost so they can focus all their attention on creativity and production. We help them sell more, both online through this marketplace and on-ground through our I Make This Shop Creative Bazars. We help them find “appreciators” and help appreciators find an alternative to the mainstream. 

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