@hair repair
Candy Fairy Magic Set
You need to take extra care of your scalp and hair, protecting it from being dry, fragile and brittle .
You can rely on Fairy Magic hair set . It’s all Natural, Handmade, rich in nourishing oils and vitamins .❤
it is free from any harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens.💚 -
Hair Growth Booster
ضعف الشعر ونموه من اكبر المشاكل اللي بتواجهنا ، علشان كدا بنقدم لك محفز نمو الشعر، المكون من زيوت طبيعيه مثل زيت اللوز الحلو ،زيت بذر الكتان و زيت اكليل الجبل، تعتبر الزيوت دي من اهم المكونات لشعر صحي و منبت شعر قوي
Pre-order takes 3 days
Hot Oil Treatment For Hair Loss
A wonderful blend of oils that help strengthen hair follicles and shaft.
It helps improve microcirculation which encourages the development of new hair cells.Contents:125 ml
Hot Oil Treatment For Dry Hair
A wonderful blend of natural oils that help promote softness, shine, and manageability to lifeless dry hair.
Contents: 125 ml