Natural Milk Soap صابونه الحليب الطبيعيه
Natural handmade milk Soap riches with natural oils ,Lavender essential oil, Vitt.E and milk to whiten, scrub and moisturize your body 100 gm صابون الحليب الطبيعي المصنوع يدوياً الغني بالزيوت الطبيعية وزيت اللافندر الأساسي وفيتامين E
١٠٠ جرام والحليب لتبييض وتقشير وترطيب الجسم
Coloring Soap Crayons (Set of 3)
Our Soap Crayon is specially designed to make bath time a colorful and enjoyable experience for kids and adults alike. With its vibrant colors, shape and smooth texture, it turns your regular bath into a canvas of endless possibilities.
JUST FROM NATURE, Circular Natural Alpaca and Merino Goatmilk Felted Soap.
It’s a handmade exfoliating Natural Goatmilk Soap enriched with honey and aloe extract, wrapped and felted with Natural Alpaca and Merino Fibers.
Happy Sheep Natural Soap
The soap in the form of a beautiful white sheep with brown head (natural coffee colorant) is made from Goatmilk. An ideal Eid Gift and also pretty in the private bathroom.