Meraki sulphate, Silicone, soap free shampoo


Sold By: Meraki

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This shampoo is rich with oils that help cleanse, moisturize, hydrate and fortify the hair leaving it shiny and healthy as well as stopping hair loss.

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This shampoo is rich with oils that help cleanse, moisturize, hydrate and fortify the hair leaving it shiny and healthy as well as stopping hair loss.

How to use:
Use it the same way you use your regular shampoo. Please note that it takes a few washes for the hair to adapt to this shampoo and the lack of chemical components. This shampoo doesn’t contain artificial chemicals that usually create lather.

Coco glucide, Glycerine, Argan oil, Almond oil, Lactic acid, Rosemary oil, Xantan gum,1% Paraben free preservative.

يحتوي الشامبو على زيوت مرطبه ومغذية للشعر و يمنع التساقط. خالي من السيلكون والسلفايت والصابون

طريقة الاستخدام
ضع القليل على فروة الرأس لمدة دقيقة ثم يغسل. يحتاج الشعر لثلاث مرات استخدام ليتكيف مع مكونات الشامبو

كوكوجلوسيد، جليسرين، زيت الارجان، لاكتيك اسيد، زيت الروز ماري، زيت اللوز، كوكو جلوسيد، ماء، زانتان جم، 1% مادة حافظة خالية من البارابين

Due to Covid-19, We will not be accepting returns or exchanges of any merchandise. This is to protect our employees and our customers. 


In the cases of damaged goods or order mistakes by Meraki, please contact  us within a week, and the exchange will occur free of charge. Please do no unseal products sent by mistake. 


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Meraki sulphate, Silicone, soap free shampoo


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