Scented Relaxant BathSalts أملاح الاستحمام المهدئه المعطره
Scented relaxant bathsalts with lavender flowers decrease the stress,scrubbing your body, soften the skin ,relax the muscles and moisturize your skin
contains essential oils, Shea butter and lavender flowers 200 gm أملاح الاستحمام المعطرة بزهور اللافندر تقلل من التوتر وتنظف جسمك وتنعيم البشرة وتريح العضلات وترطب بشرتك٢٠٠ جرام يحتوي على الزيوت العطرية وزبدة الشيا وزهور اللافندر
Natural Milk Soap صابونه الحليب الطبيعيه
Natural handmade milk Soap riches with natural oils ,Lavender essential oil, Vitt.E and milk to whiten, scrub and moisturize your body 100 gm صابون الحليب الطبيعي المصنوع يدوياً الغني بالزيوت الطبيعية وزيت اللافندر الأساسي وفيتامين E
١٠٠ جرام والحليب لتبييض وتقشير وترطيب الجسم
Cushion El Gamel Be ma hamel
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree
Cushion Tapestry
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree
Cushion Islamic art
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree
Cushion Khat 3arby
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree
Cushion Arabseque
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree
Cushion wih caption ahln Ramadan
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree
Cushion with caption Ramadan Kareem
One cushion, size 45*45 with zipper & filling, digitally two sided printed cushion on velvet soft fabric mix of polyester & cotton. Washable on 30 degree