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Beauty, Natural Soaps
Lemongrass Breeze Soap Bar
Lemongrass breeze soap is a refreshing and aromatic soap that is infused with the essence of lemongrass, a tropical grass known for its citrusy and uplifting scent. The soap is made by blending natural ingredients, such as lemongrass essential oil, with a gentle base of nourishing blend of oils.
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Beauty, Natural Soaps
Swimming suit coffee bitter gum bar
منتج طبيعي بعد التعرض للشمس يساعد القهوة في تقليل حروق الشمس وتفتيح البشرة وتأثيره المهدئ والمهدئ وإثراء البشرة بفيتامين ب 3 الطبيعي للبشرة.
أما فوائد اللبان يلي بتعالج البشرة الجافة وبتحافظ على رطوبة البشرة ومش بس كده كمان بتساعد على تقليل ظهور التجاعيد وعلامات الشيخوخة والندبات.. صابونة ينصح بها جدا.
Coffee and Bitter Gum is a magical mix for a bright skin.
Bitter gum soap that treats dry skin and maintains skin moisture, and not only that, it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, signs of aging and scars. a highly recommended soap.
coffee helps reduce sunburn, lighten the skin, its soothing and calming effect, and enriches the skin with natural vitamin B3 for the skin.
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