@natural soap
Soap Cream Scrub Coffee with a blend of licorice
عرق السوس موجود في حياتنا من أيام الفراعنة.. لقيناها في مقبرة الملك توت. واليابانيون استخدموه كأحد عناصر مكياج فتاة الجيشا المشهورة بجمالها. وهو عشب أساسي في الطب الصيني التقليدي. بيعمل ايه بقي العرقسوس؟ بيفتح البشر، بيعالج المناطق الداكنة اللي بتسببها حروق الشمس، بيشد الجلد ويقلل التجاعيد وبيعالج حب الشباب بشكل كبير. كمان فيها مستخلص القهوة اللي لما بيدمج مع العرقسوس، بيبقي التأثير مضاعف،،،
ينفع للوجه وينفع للجسم… -
Khatoon glysrin soap
Natural glysrin soap with our special formula. Coconut oil, castor oil & pure glysrin.
صابون الجلسرين بالكركديه وزيت الكريز
Khatoon Roselle & Cherry oil glysrin soap
With grounded Roselle
For normal skin -
صابون الجلسرين بزيت الجوجوبا وزيت شجرة الشاي Natural glysrin soap with Jojoba &tea tree ti
Natural glysrin soap with our unique mixed oils which are Jojoba & tea tree oil
For oily & mixed skin -
Frankincense Aroma Soap Bar
Frankincense aroma soap is a luxurious and aromatic soap that features the rich and distinct essential oil of frankincense, derived from the Boswellia tree. This soap is crafted by blending natural ingredients, such as frankincense essential oil, with a gentle blend of nourishing oils. Frankincense soap offers a variety of potential benefits for the skin. The enticing and earthy aroma of frankincense can create a calming and grounding bathing experience, promoting a sense of relaxation and tranquility. Using frankincense soap can provide a luxurious and aromatic way to indulge in self-care and enhance your bathing routine.
Tea Tree Detox Soap Bar
Tea Tree Detox Soap is a refreshing and invigorating cleansing bar that harnesses the natural power of tea tree oil and activated charcoal powder which is great in detoxing the skin from impurities. This soap is specifically formulated to deeply cleanse and purify the skin, making it ideal for those with oily or acne-prone skin. Tea tree oil, known for its antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Enjoy the refreshing scent and the rejuvenating benefits of tea tree oil with this detox soap.
Happy Mama and Papa Sheep Soap
The soap in the form of a beautiful white sheep with a brown head (natural coffee colorant) is made from Goatmilk. An ideal Eid Gift and also pretty in the private bathroom.
Cucumber Mint Soap Bar
This bar is made using fresh cucumber puree so it hydrates the skin as it cleans.
Key lime and peppermint essential oils give it a great refreshing sensation.Works for: normal skin
Weight: 130gm