@natural skin care
Khatoon Nail Serum ,, سيروم الاظافر
It’s our new product for summer holidays, khatoon Nail Serum, which can provide your Nails with the required moisture and make them more strong and have a healthy look
Khatoon bundle
We offer you our bundle, which you can customize it according to your favourite products
Khatoon water (new size)
New size of our khatoon water, 50ml , easy to carry everywhere,to apply your skin routine
Khatoon water is antiaging formula from Orange peels extract, Frankincense extract & Khatoon oily special formula -
Little steps soap
Little steps soap for kids with cocoa butter in 4 colors ( pink – violet-green- blue)
Vanilla latte lip scrub
Lip scrub with coffee and natural oils
مقشر الشفايف بالقهوة و الزيوت الطبيعية
Vanilla latte body scrub
Body scrub with coffee and natural oils
مقشر الجسم بالقهوة و الزيوت الطبيعية -
Strawberry body scrub
body scrub with strawberry and natural oils
مقشر الجسم بالفراولة و الزيوت الطبيعية
Cherry lip balm زبده الشفاه بزيت الكريز
Natural Formula from coconut oil,Shea butter & Cherry oil to mousitriz your lips all over the day
deodorant with Lavender essential oil
صنعنا مزيل العرق خالي من بيكربونات الصوديوم والألمنيوم والبارابين
يناسب جميع أنواع البشرة
مصنوع من الحلمات والخزامى والزيوت الأساسية