@natural skin care
Natural Milk Soap صابونه الحليب الطبيعيه
Natural handmade milk Soap riches with natural oils ,Lavender essential oil, Vitt.E and milk to whiten, scrub and moisturize your body 100 gm صابون الحليب الطبيعي المصنوع يدوياً الغني بالزيوت الطبيعية وزيت اللافندر الأساسي وفيتامين E
١٠٠ جرام والحليب لتبييض وتقشير وترطيب الجسم
Ingredients:cucumber extract, alovera extract, camomile extract, vitamin B,vitamin E.
This natural formula can be used as atoner or as an after sun.
100 ml -
Masssage & Body OIL
Treat yourself to a few moments of peaceful self-care with a bath oil infused with flowers and herbs, for a skin-softening bath, all-over body massage, or an after-shower moisturizer.
Contents: 250 ml
Foot Deodorant Mist
This cooling minty foot mist (or you can better call it a foot deodorant) helps deodorize stinky feet, leaving them refreshed and good-smelling all day long.
Contents: 60 ml
Hair Growth Booster
ضعف الشعر ونموه من اكبر المشاكل اللي بتواجهنا ، علشان كدا بنقدم لك محفز نمو الشعر، المكون من زيوت طبيعيه مثل زيت اللوز الحلو ،زيت بذر الكتان و زيت اكليل الجبل، تعتبر الزيوت دي من اهم المكونات لشعر صحي و منبت شعر قوي
Pre-order takes 3 days
Blue Amber Massage Candle
Natural handmade massage candle.
Massage candles offer a number of benefits, including Relaxation, Improved Circulation, Skin Hydration and Aromatherapy .
Lavander Massage Candle
Natural handmade massage candle.
Massage candles offer a number of benefits, including Relaxation, Improved Circulation, Skin Hydration and Aromatherapy .