Tiyebrillo Vitamin B5 Face serum
Face serum contains Vitamin 5, Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin E
Helps in
*Hydrating skin
*smoothes fine lines
* wound healing
* Repairs skin imperfections
Intense Moisture
Foot & Body Cream for Dry Skin
Effectively heals cracked heels and dryness
Gently exfoliates dead skin
Moisturizes dry skin and restores skin elasticity
Ingredients: Urea, Panthenol, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid
Size: 100 gm
Orders take 5-7 business days
Disclaimer: All Products Are Cruelty Free, Paraben Free & Alcohol Free.
Masssage & Body OIL
Treat yourself to a few moments of peaceful self-care with a bath oil infused with flowers and herbs, for a skin-softening bath, all-over body massage, or an after-shower moisturizer.
Contents: 250 ml
Face serum
Intensely nourish and replenish your complexion with this luxurious natural facial oil blend. It effortlessly sinks into the skin to restore and renew resulting in enhanced radiance and a natural glow.
Contents: 60 ml
Enriched with shea butter and skin-nourishing oils, the rich formula of this luxurious, natural body cream helps to moisturize even the driest skin.
suitable for all skin types
– can be used on hands, arms and legs
– has an uplifting scent of Grapefruit and Geranium essential oilsContents: 200 g
تساعد التركيبة الغنية لهذا الكريم على ترطيب البشرة بشكل مكثف
غني بزبدة الشيا والزيوت المحببة للبشرة ، فهو يساعد على تنعيم البشرة الجافة وتغذيتها مما يجعلها ناعمة كالحرير
يمكن استخدامه على اليدين والذراعين والساقين للحصول على بشرة ناعمة وصحية من الرأس إلى أخمص القدمين
مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة
Face cream
This natural face cream smells heavenly, absorbs quickly, and feels wonderfully smooth on the skin. It can be used for all skin types, even people with sensitive skin can use it safely.
– day/night face cream
– formulated with skin-loving oils and enriched with shea butter
– suits every skin type
Contents: 60gm
كريم الوجه الطبيعيي يتميز بانه سريع الامتصاص يترك البشره ناعمه الملمس
يساعد على إعادة الماء المفقود إلى بشرتك الجافة ، ويتركها رطبة ومغذية
تمت صناعته باستخدام زيوت لا تسبب انسداد المسام
يمكن استخدامه لجميع أنواع البشرة ، حتى الأشخاص ذوي البشرة الحساسة يمكنهم استخدامه بأمان
Hand Cream
Highly moisturizing
Perfectly soft hands
Non-greasy feel
Fast absorbing
Ingredients: Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Glycerin & Panthenol
Fragrance: Lavender
Size: 50 gm
Orders take 5-7 business days
Disclaimer: All Products Are Cruelty Free, Paraben Free & Alcohol Free.
Hair Leave in Moisturizer
Our finest product for every day use, Use on dry or wet hair and don’t rinse for non tangled ,shinny and fully nourished hair