my color is blue
Blue is the color of the ocean and the sky. Blue is for peace, bravery, stability, inspiration, wisdom, power and dedication.
my color is purple
Purple is the color of royalty. Purple is for care, inspiration, pride, harmony, mystery and innovation.
my color is pink
Toning down the passion of red with the purity of white results in a light tender pink. Pink is for empathy, sensitivity, tenderness, compassion, romance and love.
my color is green
Green is the color of life and nature. Green is for growth, balance, harmony and freshness.
my color is orange
Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. Orange is the color of warmth, freedom enthusiasm, creativity, success and adventure.
Personal Planner
Size: A6
Paper weight: 100g
Paper count: 55 papers = 1 whole year of planning
Binding: Hard cover with white coil binding