Islamic wooden tray
Wooden tray with mandela design
Colour beige in red,yellow,blue
Preorder takes 10 working days -
Here in tovaglia✨✨ we bring you the finest custom-made table clothes with a diverse selection of patterns..
Tovaglia.. because your table deserves a fine dress -
Ramadan Light Shade only
Ramadan Light Shade with Helal, Fanos and Negma
Dimensions: 23 x 23 x 23 cm
Pre-Order takes from week to 10 days
Ramadan corner
كورنر رمضان من الخشب mdf به مكان للاضاءه شمع
الوانك شوك بانت روز في ذهبي في صدف
يتنفذ باي لون
التنفيذ من ٥ الي ٧ ايام