“The Palm Tree” necklace
A delicately handmade necklace featuring the famous Bikar’s poetry ( The Palm Tree ) ( يا نخلة )
Multicolored jade stones necklace with key of life
- Multicolored stones necklace with bluerust key of life
كوليه عصري من خامة الصلصال الحراري خفيف الوزن ولا يتغير لونه مصنوع يدويا بموتيفات خاصه يمكن ارتداءه في الصباح والسهرات
Multicolored stones necklace with pharaoh blue rust pendant
Multicolored stones with a blue rust pharaoh pendant
Double face heart necklace
Stainless steel, gold-plated necklace .Double face one is white marble and the other is black marble.