Beigete resin tray & coasters
Resin on natural wood tray
Dimensions 40*25 cm
+ set of 4 coasters (diameter 10cm)
Golden Black Resin Tray & coasters
Resin on natural wood tray
Dimensions 40*25 cm
+ set of 4 coasters (diameter 10cm)
“ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ” resin painting
Resin on wood mixed with stones and crystals + Golden acrylic calligraphy
Diameter 60cm
” فأذكرونى أذكركم ” resin painting
Resin on wood mixed with stones and crystals + Golden acrylic qur’an
Diameter 60 cm
فبأى آلاء ربكما تكذبان ” resin painting
Resin on wood mixed with stones and crystals + Golden acrylic Qur’an
Diameter 60cm
“الباقيات الصالحات ” Resin Tableaux
Resin on wood mixed with acrylic gold calligraphy
Diameter 40cm each