Blue waves tray & coasters
Resin on natural wood tray
Dimensions 40*25 cm
+ set of 4 coasters (diameter 10cm )
Beigete resin tray & coasters
Resin on natural wood tray
Dimensions 40*25 cm
+ set of 4 coasters (diameter 10cm)
Golden Black Resin Tray & coasters
Resin on natural wood tray
Dimensions 40*25 cm
+ set of 4 coasters (diameter 10cm)
“ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ” resin painting
Resin on wood mixed with stones and crystals + Golden acrylic calligraphy
Diameter 60cm
” فأذكرونى أذكركم ” resin painting
Resin on wood mixed with stones and crystals + Golden acrylic qur’an
Diameter 60 cm
فبأى آلاء ربكما تكذبان ” resin painting
Resin on wood mixed with stones and crystals + Golden acrylic Qur’an
Diameter 60cm
“الباقيات الصالحات ” Resin Tableaux
Resin on wood mixed with acrylic gold calligraphy
Diameter 40cm each
fork and spoon salad set with mother of bearl
Spoon and fork with mother long 30cm
very nice and unique