Plaster Art work tablue set of 4
Plaster Art work tablue set of 4
1 pieces 30 cm
3 pieces 10 cm
Plaster Art work tablue set of 4
Plaster Art work tablue set of 4
1 pieces 30 cm
3 pieces 10 cm
Plaster Art work tablue set of 4
Plaster Art work tablue set of 4
1 pieces 30 cm
3 pieces 10 cm
Ramadan El Keer bottles
Hand painted Ramadan el_kerr caption on glass bottles
Size 1 liter
Price per one piece
Came in 2 different colors ( orange/turquoise)
Material Egyptian glass
Hand wash only
Nun refundable -
Negm wall unit
و أن سعيه سوف يرى من سورة النجم
أضف الى منزلك لمسة جمالية من القرأن الكريم
add to your home an elegant touch from the Holy Quran.