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Bridal set
Bridal set is a perfect gift it consists of a soap plate with soap ,jewelry holder ,vase for dried flowers or candle ,hanger and a set of 2 small embroidered towels in a macrame pouch
Plate and cutlery organizer
This organizer is very useful to serve food where the plates and cultery are well organized, you can put in dining room, living room and garden
Teabox with a side drawer
Tea box with divided part for tea bags and a side drawer for nescafe packets and spoons
Tray with a serving board and a tea box
A tray with a board to help in serving and box for tea bags
Size is 60×35, tray 35×35 ,board 35×25 -
Shades of Yellow Macrame Wall Hanging
Length: 50 cm
Backorders take 4 working days
متاح تنفيذها بأى ألوان تانية (3 ألوان مختلفة + أبيض كفواصل)