خدادية حصان المولد El Moulid horse Cushion
Printed fabric with Folklore designs , Originally designed by Velatura , by order.
Digital printing with high quality .
size 45*45
خدادية مراجيح المولد El Moulid swings Cushion
Printed fabric with Folklore designs , Originally designed by Velatura , by order.
Digital printing with high quality .
size 45*45
خدادية الخمسة El Hamsa Cushion
Printed fabric with Folklore designs , Originally designed by Velatura , by order.
Digital printing with high quality .
size 45*45
cushions and runners
اتنين خدادية تصميم افريقي مقاس 40/40 سم ومفرش ترابيزة 50/160سم
مدة التنفيذ اسبوع