Pampering kit
Take your time to pamper yourself with our pampering kit from Floral Soap.
All handmade natural beauty products made by love. -
floral protection SPF50+
Sunblock Skin Care for Daily Protection Broad Spectrum SPF50+
Size available; 15ml
Special Ramadan Kit
It is an exclusive Natural Skincare Beauty box that includes both skincare and Ramadan vibes.
Nail & Cuticle Serum
Natural Nail & Cuticle Serum
100% Natural
Rich formula infused with pure oils (Orange + Carrots + Clove + Rose Mary + Frankincense + Mint + Lemon) + Vitamin E
Best used daily.
8 ml
Shea Butter Body Lotion
HERA’s new body lotion is now available❤️
– A moisture boost for your skin
– suitable for sensitive skin
– 100% natural
– lightweight formula and fast absorbing
Ingredients :
Shea butter – Coconut oil – sea foam – Frankincense extract – vitamin E200ml
Natural Lip Balm
Now available in CHERRY and BUBBLEGUM❤️
Vitamin E ,زبدة الشيا، زبدة كاكاو، صبار، زيوت طبيعيه
100% natural
Can be used as lip and cheek tint 💜 -
Rose Water 🌹
ماء ورد طبيعي
خالية من المواد الحافظة تماما
Ingredients :Vitamin E + تقطير ورد + جلسرين + مستخلص عشب البابونج
▪️غنى بالفيتامينات الموجوده فى ورق الورود
▪️يمنح البشرة نضارة و يخلصها من الشوائب
▪️يستعمل في تنظيف البشرة من للأتربة و ازاله الميك اب
▪️ترش الماء بعد غسل الوجه بالصابون لتغلق المسام -
Box Bundle
A Gift box that includes;
Blueberry Sugar Body Scrub,
Chocolate Sand Face Mask,
Sticky Bubblegum Lip Scrub,
Facial Pad.