Silver Grey color silk pillowcase
1 (single piece) silk pillowcase
Silvery Grey
50cm x 70cm
1 كيس خدادية مقاس 50×70 لون عسلي
Candy Heel Magic
Concenterated magical formula of Urea, Vit E, Glycerin and Panthenol that help:
1- Heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry cracked feet.
2- Works fast as you will see improvment of your cracked heel within few days. -
Pink Blend Body Lotion
Indulge your senses in the luxurious embrace of our Pink Blend Body Lotion. Immerse yourself in a harmonious fusion of delicate florals, sweet fruits, and subtle undertones, meticulously curated to evoke a sense of elegance and femininity. This velvety-smooth lotion is enriched with nourishing ingredients, leaving your skin irresistibly soft and delicately scented. Pamper your skin with the indulgence it deserves.
Rosemary Essential Oil
This essential oil has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. It also helps with depression, increases circulation, and helps tired muscles.
Key benefit: energizing
Contents: 10ml
Face cream
This natural face cream smells heavenly, absorbs quickly, and feels wonderfully smooth on the skin. It can be used for all skin types, even people with sensitive skin can use it safely.
– day/night face cream
– formulated with skin-loving oils and enriched with shea butter
– suits every skin type
Contents: 60gm
كريم الوجه الطبيعيي يتميز بانه سريع الامتصاص يترك البشره ناعمه الملمس
يساعد على إعادة الماء المفقود إلى بشرتك الجافة ، ويتركها رطبة ومغذية
تمت صناعته باستخدام زيوت لا تسبب انسداد المسام
يمكن استخدامه لجميع أنواع البشرة ، حتى الأشخاص ذوي البشرة الحساسة يمكنهم استخدامه بأمان
Frankincense Aroma Soap Bar
Frankincense aroma soap is a luxurious and aromatic soap that features the rich and distinct essential oil of frankincense, derived from the Boswellia tree. This soap is crafted by blending natural ingredients, such as frankincense essential oil, with a gentle blend of nourishing oils. Frankincense soap offers a variety of potential benefits for the skin. The enticing and earthy aroma of frankincense can create a calming and grounding bathing experience, promoting a sense of relaxation and tranquility. Using frankincense soap can provide a luxurious and aromatic way to indulge in self-care and enhance your bathing routine.
Pink Salt Exfoliate Soap Bar (limited summer edition)
Pink salt exfoliate soap is a unique and invigorating soap that harnesses the power of pink Himalayan salt, a mineral-rich salt known for its distinctive pink hue. This soap is created by combining finely ground pink salt with a nourishing blend of oils, butters and pink clay to form an exfoliating bar. Pink salt exfoliate soap offers a variety of potential benefits for the skin, as the salt is rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The soap’s vibrant pink color and soothing scent can create a visually appealing and aromatic bathing experience.
Lavender Fields Soap Bar
Lavender fields soap is a gentle and soothing soap that is infused with the calming essential oil of lavender, a well-known herb widely used in aromatherapy. This soap is crafted by blending natural ingredients, such as lavender essential oil, with a nourishing blend of oils. Using lavender soap can create a luxurious bathing experience while leaving a subtle and delightful floral scent on the skin.
Lemongrass Breeze Soap Bar
Lemongrass breeze soap is a refreshing and aromatic soap that is infused with the essence of lemongrass, a tropical grass known for its citrusy and uplifting scent. The soap is made by blending natural ingredients, such as lemongrass essential oil, with a gentle base of nourishing blend of oils.
Use Samra’s body custard on full body including heals, it deeply moisturizes the skin and leave it very soft and sweet scented of mango
Moisturizes very dry skin as almond, sunflower and jojoba oils contains vitamin A,E,B, D, zinc and high penetrating power through the skin helps to transfer the benefits of the Mango butter to the skin
Strawberry Body Custard
body custard on full body including heals, it deeply moisturizes the skin and leave it very soft and sweet scented of berry
Sensetive Area cream
وصف المنتج :
كريم لتفتيح البشرة وترطيبها خصوصا للمناطق الحساسة هو يجمع بين مستخلصات الزيوت الأساسية والفيتامينات وتعمل على تفتيح وتوحيد لون البشرة بشكل ملحوظ وعلاج تغير اللون الناتج عن الاحتكاك وعوامل مرتبطة بالعمر، بفضل العناصر الغنية التي تتغلغل داخل البشرة أثناء النوم لتتألقي ببشرة أكثر إشراقًا ،مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة
خالي من الكيماويات
خلاصة الزيوت الطبيعية والفيتامينات
طريقة الاستخدام :
ضعيه يوميًا على بشرة نظيفة قبل النوم حتى يتم امتصاصه كليًا , الالتزام والمواظبة علي استخدام الكريم من اجل نتيجة مرضية ليكي
مكونات المنتج :
ماء مقطر -جل الصبار -زيت الليمون-زيت اليوسفي – زيت بذور العنب -زيت الافندر -فيتامين سي – هيدرسول لبان الدكر – فيتامين B3،B5 فيتامين A.Eفينونيب
تخزينها في مكان جاف بارد. التوقف عن الاستخدام إذا كان لديك حساسية من أي مكون من مكونات الكريم
يوصي باختبار الكريم على اليد أولاً للتأكد من عدم وجود حساسية، وتجنبي التعرض للضوء الشمس ،وقفي استخدام المنتج في حالة وجود حساسية من اي مكون من مكونات المنتج
الحجم :