• Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Orange soap

    Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    ✨Orange soap ✨

    With sweet almond ,orange , vitamin E oils for oily skin. 🧏🏻‍♀️

    ✨صابونة البرتقال✨

    بزيت اللوز و البرتقال و فيتامين E


  • Morning face cream

    Glowy moist face cream with limited sun protection


    For all skin types.
    Use daily only at Morning.
    Use very small quantity of the cream and spread it on your face and neck for a natural glowy skin. Because of the avocado oil and Geranium extract it has a powerful soothing effect, the cream formula is light so your skin will absorb it easily. It also contains frankincense that fights wrinkles

  • Sold By: basma natural

    vanilla oil

    Sold By: basma natural

    وصف المنتج:

    زيت الفانيلا من اكتر الزيوت التي تساعد في تحسين الحالة النفسية وتحسين صحة الجهاز التنفسي،وله العديد من الفوائد لتحسين صحة البشرة والشعر

    فوائد زيت الفانيلا :

    -تحسين المود والحالة النفسة

    -تحسين صحة الجهاز التنفسي

    -يستخدم في تقليل التهاب حب الشباب

    طريقة الاستخدام :

    تدليك الزيوت على البشرة واستخدامها مع زيوت حامله زي زيت جوزالهند او زيت الارجان.
    استنشاق رائحة الزيوت العطرية في الفواحة .
    إضافة بضعة قطرات منها للماء الدافئ في حوض الاستحمام والاستمتاع بفوائدها العظيمة.

    احتياطات :

    #الجدير بالذكر والتنويه أن الزيوت العطرية بشكل عام غير صالحة للاستهلاك عن طريق الفم، بل هي للاستخدام الخارجي فقط إلا في حالات نادرة فقط.

    #محتاجه اوضح حاجه لما تيجي تجربي اَي زيت عطري جديد محتاجه تعملي اختبار تحطي منه نقطه ورا ودنك وتشوفي لو تمام محصلتش حاجه يبقي تقدري تستخدميه علي جسمك بأمان ..⁣⁠
    لو حصل احمرار او حكه او التهاب يبقي الزيت العطري ده عندك حساسيه منه ومش صديق ليكي.
    الحجم :

    ١٥ مل

    Sold By: Floral Soap


    Sold By: Floral Soap

    This balm is a handmade organic and natural balm, that your lips will love.

    Intensive care and protection .

    It is a kiss from our nature.

  • Sold By: Meraki

    SOS Hair Hyaluronic Acid serum(60ml)

    Sold By: Meraki

    Hyaluronic acid is known for its strong hydration properties which helps to restore moisture to skin and hair. Combined with oils compatible with hair structure, it is an ideal treatment for damaged hair to restore it to its original condition. Leaving it shiny and healthy looking as well as taming frizz. suitable for all types of hair porosity as well as curly hair.

  • Sold By: Meraki

    Raspberry Lip Balm (30ml)

    Sold By: Meraki

    A blend of high moisturizing and hydrating ingredients makes this lip balm ideal for chapped lips.

  • Sold By: Meraki

    Deodorant (80ml)

    Sold By: Meraki

    100% natural deodorant that does not contain alum, baking soda or clay, making it safe to use even for young children. Does not stain .

  • Sold By: Meraki

    Soothing foot butter (150ml)

    Sold By: Meraki

    This unique formula helps soothe foot pain softens, moisturizes it as well as softening your heels. It also works as anti bacterial agent to protect them.

  • Sold By: Gaia Beauty

    Wild Aura |Foaming Scrub

    Sold By: Gaia Beauty

    Indulge in a 3-in-1 treat! Our creamy scrub cleanses, softens, and exfoliates, revealing smoother, healthier skin. Infused with acne-fighting jojoba and turmeric, it helps clear blemishes and impurities, leaving your skin refreshed and revitalized.

    Scent: Vanilla & Roses

    Size: 500 g

  • Sold By: Gaia Beauty

    Passion Fruit | Foaming Scrub

    Sold By: Gaia Beauty

    Scent: Passion Fruit & Sweet Almond

    Indulge in a 3-in-1 treat! Our creamy scrub cleanses, softens, and exfoliates, revealing smoother, healthier skin. Infused with hydrating grape seed extract, it deeply moisturizes and rejuvenates your skin.

    size : 500g

  • Sold By: Gaia Beauty

    Night Bloom | Shower Gel

    Sold By: Gaia Beauty

    Scent: a mix of musk, amber and roses.
    Ingredients: Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetostearyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Polysorbate 80, Glycerin, Tea Tree Oil, Silicon Oil, Rosemary Oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin-e, Panthenol, Natural Fragrance, Shimmer.
    Size: 500 ml

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Frankincense soap

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Natural frankincense soap contains natural collagen which nourish your skin as follow:

    * Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

    * Increase elasticity of the skin.

    * Glow and brighten the skin.

    * Treatment of cracks and lines in the skin as it helps in regeneration of new cells.

    * Helps with skin tone.

    main ingredients;

    frankincense oil, Coconut oil, Shea butter, olive oil, castor oil

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