Meraki sulphate, Silicone, soap free shampoo
This shampoo is rich with oils that help cleanse, moisturize, hydrate and fortify the hair leaving it shiny and healthy as well as stopping hair loss.
Natural Deodorant-lavender
Deodorant from #pink_lotus consists of beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and natural essential oils that work to prevent the growth of unpleasant odor-causing bacteria and lighten the area with daily use 👍🏻
The package size is 70 grams
Jojoba Oil Leave-in Hair Cream
Jojoba oil natural leave-in hair cream👩
كريم الشعر بزيت الجوجوبا💙
⬅️يحافظ زيت الجوجوبا على صحة الشعر ولمعانه. كما أنه ممتاز للشعر الجاف.
⬅️يحفز نمو الشعر و يساعد على منع تساقطه
⬅️ يُشكِّل زيت الجوجوبا طبقة حماية فوق ساق الشعرة، ممَّا يُرطِّب الشعر، ويحميه من التلف، ويحفظ الرطوبة داخله
Nail Serum
A blend of natural oils to nourish your nails and help repair damage and improve the appearance of your nails and cuticle overall. And to keep them long and strong.
Our special applicator makes this an easy step in your daily beauty routine.
Best used once daily at bed time
Full ingredients:
Moroccan Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Lavender Oil, Lemon Oil, Vitamin E, TeaTree Essential Oil, Chamomile Essential Oil.Size : 3ml
Natural Deodorant
Our best seller🌟
مزيل رائحه العرق ومانع للبكتيريا بزيت ورائحه جوز الهند
لا يسد المسام – يعمل على تفتيح للون البشرة الداكن
مكونات طبيعيه 100٪ خالي من الشبه.
المنتج لا يحتوى على اى مواد حافظة.وزن العبوه ٨٠ جرام.
Rainbows press-on nails
– Customized press-on nails set
– Aand-made, highly durable, multi-use soft gel nails– All nails are made of hard gel with your exact nail size
– Colors, nail shape, and length are customizable
– Pre-order time is 5-7 working days
– Upon ordering we will contact you to collect your nail measurements
– 100 LE deposit per set is required
Acne Soap
Natural handmade cold proccess soap
Acne soap works by reducing the amount of acne-causing bacteria and by causing the skin to dry and peel with calming effect.
OL Bakuchiol cream 60 ml
Bakuchiol oil is the natural retionl substitute without it’s side effects this cream is ideal for all skin types.It is moisturising and hydrating as well as anti aging, provides the skin with a glow, smooths the skin and helps in diminishing scars and pigmentation as well as collagen formation.
Gum believable shower gel
Experience the feeling of silky smooth skin! The bath land’s gentle handmade formula cleanses, exfoliates, and leaves your skin smelling great. These shower gels will give you the boost you need to start off your day right.