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Happy Sheep Natural Soap
The soap in the form of a beautiful white sheep with brown head (natural coffee colorant) is made from Goatmilk. An ideal Eid Gift and also pretty in the private bathroom.
Pampering kit
Take your time to pamper yourself with our pampering kit from Floral Soap.
All handmade natural beauty products made by love. -
floral protection SPF50+
Sunblock Skin Care for Daily Protection Broad Spectrum SPF50+
Size available; 15ml
Special Ramadan Kit
It is an exclusive Natural Skincare Beauty box that includes both skincare and Ramadan vibes.
Nail & Cuticle Serum
Natural Nail & Cuticle Serum
100% Natural
Rich formula infused with pure oils (Orange + Carrots + Clove + Rose Mary + Frankincense + Mint + Lemon) + Vitamin E
Best used daily.
8 ml
Shea Butter Body Lotion
HERA’s new body lotion is now available❤️
– A moisture boost for your skin
– suitable for sensitive skin
– 100% natural
– lightweight formula and fast absorbing
Ingredients :
Shea butter – Coconut oil – sea foam – Frankincense extract – vitamin E200ml
This is a 100% alcohol-free hair & body fragrance, the smell is very fresh and will make you smell really clean. The smell is long-lasting, the Glycerine added will make your hair shine more and skin glowy & soft.
Size: 100ml
Natural Lip Balm
Now available in CHERRY and BUBBLEGUM❤️
Vitamin E ,زبدة الشيا، زبدة كاكاو، صبار، زيوت طبيعيه
100% natural
Can be used as lip and cheek tint 💜 -
Tamr hendi & cocoa exfoliating soap
صابون التمر الهندي و الكاكاو للبشرة العادية و الدهنية
صابون طبيعى ١٠٠٪ باستخدام الماء المقطر و لا يحتوى على اى مواد كيميائية و ينصح به للبشرة الحساسة و للبشرة المتضررة من الحبوب و مستحضرات التجميل. 🤗
الصابونة تركيبتها متوازنةوو تحتوى على حبيبات التمر تعمل كscrub للبشرة💆❤️Available in medium and big size