• Foot Scrub

    Our scrub is loaded with minerals and hydrating sweet almond oil and essential oils that gently exfoliate and heal rough skin.
    Exfoliates dry and cracked heels with the cooling effect of peppermint and extra moisturizing oils, leaving your foot smooth and hydrated.

    Direction of Useโ€จWet skin with warm water. Massage the scrub with circular motions into your skin. Rinse with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week.

    Full ingredients:

    Shea butter, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil, rice bran oil, beeswax, sugar, Eucalyptus essential oil, Tea-Tree essential oil, Lavender essential oil and vitamin E.

    Cautionโ€จAvoid direct contact with eyes. Best Used within 6 months after opening the jar. Keep in a cool dry place.

    Size : 100 g

  • Sold By: basma natural

    ูƒุนุจ ุณูŠู„ูƒูˆู† ู„ู„ู‚ุฏู…ูŠู†

    Sold By: basma natural

    ูˆุตู ุงู„ู…ู†ุชุฌ:

    ุŒูƒุนุจ ู…ู† ุงู„ุณูŠู„ูƒูˆู† ูŠุณุชุฎุฏู… ู…ุน ูƒุฑูŠู… ุงู„ุฑุฌู„ูŠู† ู„ู„ุชุญุณูŠู† ู…ู† ูุงุนู„ูŠุฉ ุงู„ูƒุฑูŠู… ูˆุฑุงุญุฉ ู„ู„ู‚ุฏู…ูŠู†

    ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ :

    ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ ุณู‡ู„ ุฌุฏุง ูˆุฎููŠู ูˆูŠู…ูƒู† ุบุณู„ู‡ ูˆุชู†ุถูŠูู‡ ุจุงู„ู…ุงุก ูˆุงู„ุตุงุจูˆู†

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Sweet Cherry Lip Balm

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Sweet Cherry lip balm is a natural lip balm which plumps, softens, nurishes and moisturizes your lips naturally.

    It has a natural red color effect.

  • Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Cotton Candy lip balm

    Sold By: Candy Beauty

    Cotton Candy lip balm is a natural lip balm which plumps, softens, nurishes and moisturizes your lips naturally.

    It has a transparent color effect.

  • Lemon Nail Oil

    The perfect oil for strong nails and healthy cuticles with the power of lemon essential oils blend(Lemon Grass,lemon leaf,lemon peel). It decreases nail and cuticles breakage. Also tea tree essential oil to keep your

    Use it daily.

  • Sold By: Khatoon

    Khatoon glysrin soap

    Sold By: Khatoon

    Natural glysrin soap with our special formula. Coconut oil, castor oil & pure glysrin.

  • Sold By: MINU Soap

    Berries Soap Bar

    Sold By: MINU Soap

    ูŠุฑู…ุฒ ุงู„ุชูˆุช ุฅู„ู‰ ุงู„ูƒู…ุงู„ ูˆ โ€œุงู„ุญู„ุงูˆุฉ ููŠ ุงู„ุญูŠุงุฉ ูˆุงู„ุดุฎุตูŠุฉโ€. ูƒู…ุง ุฃู†ู‡ ูŠู…ุซู„ ุงู„ุชูˆุงุถุน ู„ุฃู† ุงู„ุชูˆุช ุบุงู„ุจู‹ุง ู…ุง ูŠูˆุฌุฏ ุชุญุช ุงู„ุฃูˆุฑุงู‚.
    ุงู„ุตุงุจูˆู†ุฉ ุฏูŠ ู‡ุชู†ุนู… ุงู„ุจุดุฑุฉ ู‚ูˆูŠ ูˆู‡ุชููŠุฏู‡ุง ููŠ ูุตู„ ุงู„ุดุชุง ูˆุชุณุงุนุฏ ุนู„ูŠ ุชู‚ู„ูŠู„ ูุฑุต ุงู„ุฌูุงู. ู„ุงู† ู†ุณุจุฉ ุฒูŠุช ุงู„ุฎุฑูˆุน ูˆุฒูŠุช ุงู„ุฒูŠุชูˆู† ููŠู‡ุง ููŠ ุงุนู„ูŠ ู†ุณุงุจู‡ู…โ€ฆ ุฌุฑุจูˆู‡ุงุŒ ู‡ุชุญุจูˆู‡ุงุŒุŒุŒ

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Rose Water

    Sold By: basma natural

    ููˆุงุฆุฏ ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุงู„ูˆุฑุฏ :

    ูก-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ู‡ุจุงุช ุงู„ุณุฎู†ู‡ ุงู„ู„ูŠ ุจุชุญุตู„ ู„ู„ุณูŠุฏุงุช

    ูข-ู…ู‡ุฏูŠ ู„ู„ุจุดุฑุฉ-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุชูˆุชุฑ

    ูค-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุชู‡ุงุจ ุญุจ ุงู„ุดุจุงุจ


    ุงู„ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุจูŠุณุงุนุฏูƒ ุนู„ูŠ ุชู„ุทูŠู ุจุดุฑุชูƒ ุจุนุฏ ูŠูˆู… ุญุงูู„ ูˆุทูˆูŠู„ ุŒูŠู…ูƒู† ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ ุจุงู…ุงู† ู…ุน ุงู„ุงุทูุงู„ ูˆุงู„ูƒุจุงุฑุŒุชู‚ุฏุฑูŠ ุชุฑุดูŠู‡ ุญูˆุงู„ูŠูƒูŠ ููŠ ุงู„ู…ูƒุงู† ุงูˆ ุนู„ูŠ ุจุดุฑุชูƒุŒ

    ุจุงู„ู†ุณุจุฉ ู„ู„ุณูŠุฏุงุช ุงู„ู„ูŠ ุจุชุนุงู†ูŠ ู…ู† ุงู„ู‡ุจุงุช ุงู„ุณุฎู†ุฉ ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ ุจุดูƒู„ ูŠูˆู…ูŠ ุนู„ูŠ ุจุดุฑุชู‡ุง

    ุงู„ุญุฌู… :ูกูฅู  ู…ู„ ุชู‚ุฑูŠุจุง

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Orange Water

    Sold By: basma natural

    ููˆุงุฆุฏ ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุงู„ุงูู†ุฏุฑ:

    ูก-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุถุบุท ุงู„ุนุตุจูŠ

    ูข-ุจูŠุณุงุนุฏ ุนู„ูŠ ุงู„ุงุณุชุฑุฎุงุก

    ูฃ-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุตุฏุงุน

    ูค-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุชู‡ุงุจุงุช ุงู„ุจุดุฑุฉ

    ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ :

    ุงู„ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุจูŠุณุงุนุฏูƒ ุนู„ูŠ ุชู„ุทูŠู ุจุดุฑุชูƒ ุจุนุฏ ูŠูˆู… ุญุงูู„ ูˆุทูˆูŠู„ ุŒูŠู…ูƒู† ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ ุจุงู…ุงู† ู…ุน ุงู„ุงุทูุงู„ ูˆุงู„ูƒุจุงุฑุŒุชู‚ุฏุฑูŠ ุชุฑุดูŠู‡ ุญูˆุงู„ูŠูƒูŠ ููŠ ุงู„ู…ูƒุงู† ุงูˆ ุนู„ูŠ ุจุดุฑุชูƒ ุงูˆ ุญูˆุงู„ูŠู† ุงู„ุณุฑูŠุฑ ู‚ุจู„ ุงู„ู†ูˆู… ูŠุณุงุนุฏูƒ ุนู„ูŠ ุงู„ุงุณุชุฑุฎุงุก

    ุงู„ุญุฌู… :

    ูกูฅู  ู…ู„ ุชู‚ุฑูŠุจุง

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Lavender Water

    Sold By: basma natural

    ููˆุงุฆุฏ ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุงู„ุงูู†ุฏุฑ:

    ูก-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุถุบุท ุงู„ุนุตุจูŠ

    ูข-ุจูŠุณุงุนุฏ ุนู„ูŠ ุงู„ุงุณุชุฑุฎุงุก

    ูฃ-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุตุฏุงุน

    ูค-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุชู‡ุงุจุงุช ุงู„ุจุดุฑุฉ

    ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ :

    ุงู„ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุจูŠุณุงุนุฏูƒ ุนู„ูŠ ุชู„ุทูŠู ุจุดุฑุชูƒ ุจุนุฏ ูŠูˆู… ุญุงูู„ ูˆุทูˆูŠู„ ุŒูŠู…ูƒู† ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ ุจุงู…ุงู† ู…ุน ุงู„ุงุทูุงู„ ูˆุงู„ูƒุจุงุฑุŒุชู‚ุฏุฑูŠ ุชุฑุดูŠู‡ ุญูˆุงู„ูŠูƒูŠ ููŠ ุงู„ู…ูƒุงู† ุงูˆ ุนู„ูŠ ุจุดุฑุชูƒ ุงูˆ ุญูˆุงู„ูŠู† ุงู„ุณุฑูŠุฑ ู‚ุจู„ ุงู„ู†ูˆู… ูŠุณุงุนุฏูƒ ุนู„ูŠ ุงู„ุงุณุชุฑุฎุงุก

    ุงู„ุญุฌู… :

    ูกูฅู  ู…ู„ ุชู‚ุฑูŠุจุง

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Mint Water

    Sold By: basma natural

    ููˆุงุฆุฏ ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุงู„ู†ุนู†ุงุน:

    ูก-ุจูŠู†ุดุท ุงู„ุฌุณู… ูˆูŠุฏูŠูƒูŠ ุทุงู‚ู‡

    ูข-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุงู… ุงู„ุฌูŠูˆุจ ุงู„ุงู†ููŠุฉ

    ูฃ-ุจูŠู‚ู„ู„ ุงู„ุงู… ุงู„ุตุฏุงุน


    ุงู„ู‡ูŠุฏุฑุณูˆู„ ุจูŠุณุงุนุฏูƒ ุนู„ูŠ ุชู„ุทูŠู ุจุดุฑุชูƒ ุจุนุฏ ูŠูˆู… ุญุงูู„ ูˆุทูˆูŠู„ ุŒูŠู…ูƒู† ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู…ู‡ ุจุงู…ุงู† ู…ุน ุงู„ุงุทูุงู„ ูˆุงู„ูƒุจุงุฑุŒุชู‚ุฏุฑูŠ ุชุฑุดูŠู‡ ุญูˆุงู„ูŠูƒูŠ ููŠ ุงู„ู…ูƒุงู† ุงูˆ ูŠูƒูˆู† ู…ุนุงูƒูŠ ููŠ ุงู„ุดู†ุทุฉ ู„ู„ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู… ูˆุงุถุงูุฉ ุงู„ุงู†ุชุนุงุด ู„ูŠูˆู…ูƒ ุจุนุฏ ูŠูˆู… ุทูˆูŠู„

    ุงู„ุญุฌู… :

    ูกูฅู  ู…ู„ ุชู‚ุฑูŠุจุง

  • Sold By: basma natural

    lip scrub

    Sold By: basma natural

    A gentle exfoliation for the lips ,enriched with vitamin e ,coconut oil and strawberry oil to give you shiny lips.
    wet your lips and gently massage the scrub onto your lips in a circle motion to exfoliate .wash off with warm water .use it 1-2 times a week .
    epsom salt, coconut oil.sweet almond oil ,olive oil ,vitamin e ,strawberry oil , color
    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.
    35 g

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