• Hair Reviving Oil

    Help have much more softer and smellier hair….Easier to comb and Shinny

    This oil provides your hair with Vitamins Like E and A, Oleic and linoleic fatty acids, Zinc and much more nourishing elements

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Lavender essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Have you checked our latest collection of essential oils? Get to know some of the main benefits of our Lavender Essential Oil, this oil is known to reduce stress and anxiety as it promotes relaxation and tranquility. It also calms and soothes your heart and mind, giving you peace and harmony. What are you waiting for? All you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids. Also, a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the skin.

    ‎هل رأيت أحدث مجموعة لدينا من الزيوت العطرية؟ تعرف على بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لدينا من زيت اللافندر، هذا الزيت معروف آنه بيساعد علي تقليل الضغط و القلق، كما انه يساعد علي الاسترخاء و الهدوء و الطمأنينة
    ‎هو أيضًا يهدئ القلب و العقل، يعطي لك سلام و انسجام
    ‎! وتطلبها DM دلوقتي تقدر تبعت

    ‎تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو اطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام

  • watery face tint2watery face tint
    Sold By: Floral Soap

    Watery Face Tint

    Sold By: Floral Soap

    Enjoy your NATURAL LOOK with our Watery Face Tint that will leave you looking vibrant and moisturized for hours.

  • Sold By: Dhyaan House

    Moringa Oil

    Sold By: Dhyaan House

    Moringa oil 30 ml
    Pure , organic and cold pressed

  • Sold By: Floral Soap

    Happy Sheep Natural Soap

    Sold By: Floral Soap

    The soap in the form of a beautiful white sheep with brown head (natural coffee colorant) is made from Goatmilk. An ideal Eid Gift and also pretty in the private bathroom.


    This is a 100% alcohol-free hair & body fragrance, the smell is very fresh and will make you smell really clean. The smell is long-lasting, the Glycerine added will make your hair shine more and skin glowy & soft.

    Size: 100ml

  • Sold By: Hera

    Epsom & Sea Salt Foot Soak 👣

    Sold By: Hera

    Hera wants you to pamper your feet👣
    Why our soak?
    1] RELAXS, as it’s bubbly, it’s used with hot water and it smells AMAZING
    2] REMOVES DEAD SKIN in your feet
    3] ANTIBACTERIAL, and will help you get rid of any bad smell

    Can’t go to a spa? No worries we’re getting the spa to you.

  • Sold By: Hera

    Jojoba Oil Leave-in Hair Cream

    Sold By: Hera

    Jojoba oil natural leave-in hair cream👩
    كريم الشعر بزيت الجوجوبا💙

    ⬅️يحافظ زيت الجوجوبا على صحة الشعر ولمعانه. كما أنه ممتاز للشعر الجاف.
    ⬅️يحفز نمو الشعر و يساعد على منع تساقطه
    ⬅️ يُشكِّل زيت الجوجوبا طبقة حماية فوق ساق الشعرة، ممَّا يُرطِّب الشعر، ويحميه من التلف، ويحفظ الرطوبة داخله


    -lightly Scented-

  • Sold By: Hera

    Natural Deodorant

    Sold By: Hera

    Our best seller🌟
    مزيل رائحه العرق ومانع للبكتيريا بزيت ورائحه جوز الهند
    لا يسد المسام – يعمل على تفتيح للون البشرة الداكن
    مكونات طبيعيه 100٪ خالي من الشبه.
    المنتج لا يحتوى على اى مواد حافظة.

    وزن العبوه ٨٠ جرام.

  • Sold By: Dhyaan House

    Tea Tree Oil

    Sold By: Dhyaan House

    Tea tree oil 30 ml

    organic ,pure & cold pressed

  • Sold By: the bath land

    Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist-75 ml

    Sold By: the bath land

    Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Strawberry  Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.

  • Sold By: the bath land

    Blue berry Detangling Hair Mist- 75 ml

    Sold By: the bath land

    Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Blueberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.

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