Chamomile &Organic Honey Natural Soap
It’s a hand crafted natural soap, that is gentle enough to respects the skin barrier and preemptively helps soothe any inflammation, formulated mainly for sensitive skin.
Enriched with Chamomile Oil, Oats, Raw Organic Honey and Shea Butter. -
sweet almond, charcoal & pink salt natural soap
It’s a hand-crafted Natural Cold-Processed soap, a blend of Glycerine with Shea Butter and Jojoba Extract Soap and Cold-processed Soap enriched with Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Activated Charcoal, and Rose Clay.
Made of 100% Virgin Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil and Castor Oil.
Sleep & Relax spray
A blend of pure lavender essential oil and vanilla extract which create an amazing and calming scent to promote relaxation and deep sleep as well.
How to use:
Use on body, pillows, linens or as an air freshener
totally safe in children room.
Size: 125 ml/4.23 oz -
Mosquitoes repellant
you can use this spray in the garden or open air spaces to keep mosquitoes and insects away from you due to the power of citronella and lemongrass essential oils.
How to use:
Use on body or as an air freshener
totally safe for children & plants.
Size: 125 ml/4.23 oz -
Healthy hair and soothing skin effect
Interesting package for your hair.Includes a magical hair conditioner with different natural oils that are very useful to the hair such as tea tree, orange, laurel oils. Our sulphate and praben free shampoo made of castor, sunflower and coconut oils. Finally a facial and shampoo bar lavender soap bar.. the latest to our editions… soothing effect and anti-inflammation to both the skin and the hair.
Cinnamon Glaze | Solid Perfume
Scent: Mix of Cinnamon and Coffee with Oud.
Ingredients: Bees Wax, Squalene, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Coffee Oil, Vitamin E, Natural Fragrance.
Size: 50 g -
Passion Fruit | Solid Perfume
Scent: Passion fruit & sweet almond.
Ingredients: Bees Wax, Squalene, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin E, and Natural Fragrance.
Size: 50 g -
Night Bloom | Solid Perfume
Scent: Musk, Amber & Roses.
Ingredients: Bees Wax, Squalene, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Tea Tree Oil Vitamin E, and Natural Fragrance
Size: 50 g -
Honeycomb | Solid Perfume
Scent: coconut & vanilla
Ingredients: Bees Wax, Squalene, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Honey, Milk powder Vitamin E, and Natural Fragrance
Size: 50 g -
Castor Oil
زيت الخروع
Castor Oil
وصف المنتج :
لطالما اشتهر زيت الخروع واستخدم في الطب القديم كملين للأمعاء، ومعالج للالتهابات ومضاد للاكسدة ، وترجع فوائد زيت الخروع إلى محتواه العالي من الدهون غير المشبعة ومضادات الأكسدة القوية، إضافة إلى خصائصة المضادة للالتهاب والبكتيريا، وتعزيز صحة البشرة والحفاظ علي صحة الشعر.
فوائد لزيت الخروع :
١-تعزيز صحة البشرة
٢- الحفاظ علي صحة البشرة
٣-تغذية الرموش
٤-مضاد للالتهابات والبكتيريا
٥-هايل في علاج حب الشباب
٦-بيقلل ظهور القشرة في الشعر٧-يعالج تقصف الشعر
نصائح لاستخدام زيت الخروع:
غير امن علي الحوامل والمرضعات لذلك اذا كنتي حامل او بترضعي لا تستخدميه
.من الافضل خلط زيت الخروع مع زيوت اخري مثل زيت جوزالهند او زيت اللوز الحلو لتخفيفه وسهولة استخدامه
الحجم :٣٠ مل
Sugar love body mist
This rose & vanilla body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.170 ml
How to use
Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.Cautions:
Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.
made in Egypt