Body Splash
Refreshing and safe.. not an easy formula to find, but we did:)
عبوات صغيرة، حوالي ٤٠ مللي علشان تجربوا وانتو متمنيين. اربع روايح لطيفة للصيف.. حتي الوانها منعشة
Sea Salt Scrub
اختراع الصراحة ملح البحر المعطر ده. من اسمه، تقدري تحطي منه في اكياس اورجنزا وتعطري بيه هدومك في الدولاب، او عربيته او حتي آودة نومك.
كمان ممكن تستخدميه لدعك قدم الرجلين او منطقة الكوع…
لو حطيتي عليه زيت اللافندر المقطر الاصلي، تقدري تحطي البرطمان ده كفواحة في البيت لطرد الناموس.. بالاضافة الي طرد الطاقة السلبية
من المنزل… منتج جميل اصله ياباني الحقيقة -
Khatoon bundle
We offer you our bundle, which you can customize it according to your favourite products
Khatoon water (new size)
New size of our khatoon water, 50ml , easy to carry everywhere,to apply your skin routine
Khatoon water is antiaging formula from Orange peels extract, Frankincense extract & Khatoon oily special formula -
Natural Rose Water
Khatoon Natural Rose Water in its new size.
Catshy and portable.. Moisturize your skin with our natural rose water.
ماء الورد المحضر يدويا من خاتون الان ف عبوه جديده..سهله ف الحمل والسفر..يساعدك ع ترطيب بشرتك وتنظيم إفراز الدهون -
lip tint
- صبغتنا الكريمية شديدة الصبغة لذا استخدمي القليل جدًا على شفتيك أو خدك. ينعم بشرة الخدين والشفتين ويظهرها متألقة وجديدة بكل المكونات الطبيعية
Moisturizing and relaxation
our youngest will love this package… a fun – to – have perfumed bath bomb and a nicely shaped pure glycerine bar will make them love their bath time even more:)
Acne free and reshness
For our young teens, our famous tea tree oil facial bars together with our 100% natural deodorant makes a perfect combination for a healthy routing to their face and general health.
Soft and Firm Skin
A unique product that we have as one of our best seller; Castile liquid shower. Made of virgin olive oil, rich scented and highly conditioning to your body. Coupled with our best seller collagen bar full of bittergum extract and anis oil.
Shinny Hair
Interesting package for your hair.Includes a magical hair conditioner with different natural oils that are very useful to the hair such as tea tree, orange, laurel oils. Our sulphate and praben free shampoo made of castor, sunflower and coconut oils.
Healthy hair and soothing skin effect
Interesting package for your hair.Includes a magical hair conditioner with different natural oils that are very useful to the hair such as tea tree, orange, laurel oils. Our sulphate and praben free shampoo made of castor, sunflower and coconut oils. Finally a facial and shampoo bar lavender soap bar.. the latest to our editions… soothing effect and anti-inflammation to both the skin and the hair.