Musk oil
Here are some of the main benefits of the Musk Essential Oil,
– It’s enriched with vitamin A which keeps the skin healthy and young
-helps in wound healing, and treats rheumatism.
-Helps in the health of the liver as it purifies the blood from toxins.
-It is also considered as a natural antiseptic for insect and pet bites and protects against their toxins.Now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!
⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the face.
فيما يلي بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت المسك الأساسي،
فهو غني بفيتامين أ الذي يحافظ على صحة الجلد وشبابه
ويساعد في التئامالجروح-
ويعالج الروماتيزم-
يساعد في صحة الكبد لأنه ينقي الدم من السموم-
كما يعتبر مطه ًرا طبيع ًيا للدغات الحشرات والحيوانات الأليفة ويقي من سموالآن كل ما عليك فعله هو التوجه إلى وطلبها DMs
تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام -
Yalng Yalng essential oil
Here are some of the main benefits of the Ylang Ylang Essential Oil,
-Alleviating anxiety
-Lower blood pressure
-Decreasing heart rate
-Boosting your mood
-Reducing depressionNow all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!
⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the skin.
من أهم الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت Ylang Ylang الأساسي.
يخفف من القلق-
يقلل من ضغط الدم-
يقلل من ضربات القلب-
يحسن المزا-كل ما عليك الآن هو التوجه إلى
!Dm وطلبها⚠️⚠️
تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد -
Natural Roll On Deodorant with Lavender
It’s a vegan, aluminum-free, alcohol-free natural roll-on deodorant for both women and men with a fresh, floral, citric scent.
Natural Roll On Deodorant with natural fragrance
Its a vegan, aluminum-free, alcohol-free natural roll-on deodorant for both women and men with a unique aroma.
Blueberry body mist
Get a refreshing and uplifting burst of fragrance with our natural blueberry body mist.
Perfect for you need a quick refreshing.
this body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.
170 ml
How to use
Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.Cautions:
Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.
made in Egypt
Floral Nail Serum
It is a blend of Natural Oils Serum that will make your nails look shiny, look good, look healthy and at the end will look beautiful.
Wild Aura | Solid Perfume
Scent: vanilla & roses.
Ingredients: Bees Wax, Squalene, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Turemeric Oil, Vitamin E, and Natural Fragrance.
Size: 50 g -
Marshmallow Body Splash
A MARSHMALLOW body splash is a burst of fruity sweetness that will leave you feeling happy and elegant😍.
It’s water based 😀 FREE of alcohol, harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. Just pure, natural goodness. you can spray it on all your body parts after a shower or bath or through-out the day❤️🌿 .