Mango Scrubbing Shampoo
Aqua,Siwa Salt,Cocamido propyl betaine,Coco Glucoside,Coconut Oil,Jojoba Oil,Glycerin,Xanthan Gum,Mango Oil,Phemoxyethanol
Put on wet hair in considerable amounts then scrub you scalp well and then wash it normally with water,Reapply if needed
Size:270 grams”“ماء,ملح سيوى, كوكاميدو بروبيل بيتين,كوكو جلوكوسايد,زيت جوز الهند,زيت الجوجوبا,جليسيرين,صمغ الزنتان,زيت المانجو,فينوكسى ايثانول
طريقة الاستعمال:
ضعيه على الشعر المبلول بكمية وفيرة و دلكى به فرة الراس جيدا ثم اشطفية بالمياه
يحتاج الى تكرار الاستخدام عند الضرورة
الحجم: ٢٧٠جرام
ا” -
Strawberry Body Custard
body custard on full body including heals, it deeply moisturizes the skin and leave it very soft and sweet scented of berry
Tea Tree Face Cream
Tea tree oil benefits are numerous, It is anti-acne, skin moisturizer, anti-inflammatory and it gives a glow to your face!💥
It is 95% Natural
Use: Daily after facial wash
Ingredients: Aqua, Teatree extract, coconut oil, cetyl alcohol, Teatree, vanilla, violet, frankincense essential oils, optiphen, vitamin E ⠀
Sports Shower Gel
Samra’s sports shower gel with lemon and teatree essential oil
Smells heavenly, makes sweat smell less, keeps your
skin moisturized and decreases body acne
SLS Free
Night face cream
Lemon face cream to moisturize very dry skin and remove scars and burning marks from face when used daily
For dry, normal and mixed skin types. Use daily only at night. Use very small quantity of the cream and spread it on your face and neck. This formula works on rejuvenating the skin, removing scar signs, toning skin color and it has vitamins that fight fatigue and wrinkle signs.
Morning face cream
Glowy moist face cream with limited sun protection
For all skin types.
Use daily only at Morning.
Use very small quantity of the cream and spread it on your face and neck for a natural glowy skin. Because of the avocado oil and Geranium extract it has a powerful soothing effect, the cream formula is light so your skin will absorb it easily. It also contains frankincense that fights wrinkles -
Use Samra’s body custard on full body including heals, it deeply moisturizes the skin and leave it very soft and sweet scented of mango
Moisturizes very dry skin as almond, sunflower and jojoba oils contains vitamin A,E,B, D, zinc and high penetrating power through the skin helps to transfer the benefits of the Mango butter to the skin
deodorant with Lavender essential oil
صنعنا مزيل العرق خالي من بيكربونات الصوديوم والألمنيوم والبارابين
يناسب جميع أنواع البشرة
مصنوع من الحلمات والخزامى والزيوت الأساسية -
Vanilla Solid Cream الكريم الصلب
Olive oil, Shea butter are our secret and Vanilla which leaves lovely smell on your skin .
EGP150.00 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Nails Builder
مكون من مزيج من الزيوت الطبيعيه زى زيت الارجان والافندر واللوز الحلو والليمون وفيتامين ه، وهى مكونات مرطبة ومقويه للنمو ضوافرك والمحافظة عليهم بقوة ونعومة
Pre-order takes 3 days
Natural Deodrant
حر او برد مزيل العرق اساسى فى يومك وحاجه مهمه متقدريش تستغني عنها علشان تحافظي على بشرة جسمك بنضاره ونعومة
واحنا بنقدم لك مزيل العرق بمكونات طبيعية بالكامل للمحافظة على بشرتك من الاسمرار والروائح، وهتحسى بيها دايما بانتعاش
منها زبدة الشيا وزيت جوز الهند ومستخلص الزبادى ومستخلص الخيار وعسل النحلPre-order takes 3 days
30 grams