• Sold By: SAVONA

    Dates and Camel milk facial soap bar

    Sold By: SAVONA

    This soap bar combines the benefits of both dates and camel milk.
    It helps maintain a glowing and young looking complexion.

    Good for: dry and mature skin
    Wight: 130gm

  • Sold By: Seta

    Silk Pillowcase – Crimson red

    Sold By: Seta

    Silk Pillowcase 50 cm x 70 cm
    Crimson red color
    single piece


    Buy 6 to get 5% discount
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  • Sold By: Nature Works

    Body Butter Vanilla

    Sold By: Nature Works


    Body butter is a thick, luxurious moisturizer that is used to hydrate and nourish the skin. It is made from a combination of natural ingredients, shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax and vitamin E. Body butter is known for its ability to deeply penetrate the skin, providing intense hydration and leaving the skin feeling soft, smooth, and supple. It is great for soothing dry and cracked skin.

  • Sold By: Nature Works

    Tea Tree Detox Soap Bar

    Sold By: Nature Works


    Tea Tree Detox Soap is a refreshing and invigorating cleansing bar that harnesses the natural power of tea tree oil and activated charcoal powder which is great in detoxing the skin from impurities. This soap is specifically formulated to deeply cleanse and purify the skin, making it ideal for those with oily or acne-prone skin. Tea tree oil, known for its antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Enjoy the refreshing scent and the rejuvenating benefits of tea tree oil with this detox soap.

  • Sold By: Nature Works

    Sea Glow Soap Bar (limited summer edition)

    Sold By: Nature Works

    Sea glow soap is a luxurious and nourishing soap that incorporates the creamy goodness of coconut milk into its formulation. It is made by blending coconut milk, which is extracted from the flesh of mature coconuts, with a blend of nourishing oils and essential oils to create a moisturizing and lathering bar. Coconut milk soap offers a range of potential benefits for the skin. The natural fats and vitamins present in coconut milk help to hydrate and replenish the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. 

  • Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Peach lotion bar

    Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Super moisturizing lotion bar with peach

    weight : 35 gm

  • Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Rose massage soap

    Sold By: Buzy Daisy


    Rose massage soap with jojoba oil

    صابونة الورد للمساج بزيت الجوجوبا

  • Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Tea tree soap

    Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Tea tree soap , With tea tree oil, peppermint and vitamin E

    صابونة شجرة الشاي

    بزيت شجرة الشاي و النعناع و فيتامين E


  • Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    Honey oatmeal soap

    Sold By: Buzy Daisy

    ✨Honey oatmeal soap 🍯

    With coconut ,vitamin E oil, honey and oatmeal.

    For all skin types.

    صابونة العسل و الشوفان

    بزيت جوز الهند و فيتامين E و العسل و الشوفان

  • All Water Serum

    The All water serum is a perfect addition to your daily morning face routine for all kinds of skin
    100% oil free serum, made very premium ingredients to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
    Use few drops on your face (except your eye lids) once a day and witness the marvelous effect you will feel on your face
    Caffeine face boost glow serum

  • Face Set

    So we made you this heavenly face set that you can use daily and lasts about 2.5 months, with no harmful chemicals at all

    You will notice less acne scarring, helps against aging and eye circles, visible acne reduction, even skin tone, unclogged pores, a fresh healthy glow and you will feel good!

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Castor Oil

    Sold By: basma natural

    زيت الخروع

    Castor Oil

    وصف المنتج :

    لطالما اشتهر زيت الخروع واستخدم في الطب القديم كملين للأمعاء، ومعالج للالتهابات ومضاد للاكسدة ، وترجع  فوائد زيت الخروع إلى محتواه العالي من الدهون غير المشبعة ومضادات الأكسدة القوية، إضافة إلى خصائصة المضادة للالتهاب والبكتيريا، وتعزيز صحة البشرة والحفاظ علي صحة الشعر.

    فوائد لزيت الخروع :

    ١-تعزيز صحة البشرة

    ٢- الحفاظ علي صحة البشرة

    ٣-تغذية الرموش

    ٤-مضاد للالتهابات والبكتيريا
    ٥-هايل في علاج حب الشباب
    ٦-بيقلل ظهور القشرة في الشعر

    ٧-يعالج تقصف الشعر

    نصائح لاستخدام زيت الخروع:

    غير امن علي الحوامل والمرضعات لذلك اذا كنتي حامل او بترضعي لا تستخدميه

    .من الافضل خلط زيت الخروع مع زيوت اخري مثل زيت جوزالهند او زيت اللوز الحلو لتخفيفه وسهولة استخدامه

    الحجم :٣٠ مل

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