Natural Soaps
Lavender & Rosemary Soap
Lavender & Rosemary oils is one of the most useful oils to our skin , especially oily & mixed skin.
They have purifying & antibacterial properties .
So they were our choice to make an unique soap recipe.
Khatoon lavender & Rosemary Soap leave your skin soft & moisturize . -
Coffee Soap
Natural glysrin soap with grounded Coffee & Rosehip Oil.. Coffee is a natural antioxidant, which is so useful for your skin.
Antiaging , Anti Acne & cleans your skin.
Perfect for oily & mixed skin -
Khatoon glysrin soap
Natural glysrin soap with our special formula. Coconut oil, castor oil & pure glysrin.
spiral Natural Alpaca And Marino Goatmilk Felted Soap
It’s a handmade exfoliating Natural Goatmilk Soap enriched with honey and aloe extract, wrapped and felted with Natural Alpaca and Merino Fibers.
Rectangular Natural Goatmilk Felted Exfoliating Soap Bars
It’s a handmade exfoliating Natural Goatmilk Soap enriched with honey and aloe extract, wrapped and felted with Natural wool rovings.
صابون الجلسرين بزيت الجوجوبا وزيت شجرة الشاي Natural glysrin soap with Jojoba &tea tree ti
Natural glysrin soap with our unique mixed oils which are Jojoba & tea tree oil
For oily & mixed skin -
صابون الجلسرين بالكركديه وزيت الكريز
Khatoon Roselle & Cherry oil glysrin soap
With grounded Roselle
For normal skin -
JUST FROM NATURE, Circular Natural Alpaca and Merino Goatmilk Felted Soap.
It’s a handmade exfoliating Natural Goatmilk Soap enriched with honey and aloe extract, wrapped and felted with Natural Alpaca and Merino Fibers.
Strawberry Love Bars
Valentine is approaching and soon love will be all over. Minu is happily introducing its first love bars. Crafted with love, sugary scented with chia seeds to enrich the bars with protein, vitamins E, B1, B2,B3 and healthy fats, minerals as well as antioxidants.
عيد الحب يقترب وسرعان ما يتدفق علينا الحب من كل جانب. تقدم Minu بسعادة اولي مجموعة الفالنتين.
المصنوعة بحب ،
وتغرقها رائحة الفانيليا مع اضافة بذور الشيا لإثراء الصابون بالبروتينات والفيتامينات
E و B1 و B2 و B3 والدهون الصحية والمعادن وكذلك مضادات الأكسدة. -
Christmas Glycerine Bars
جليسرين طبيعي بأشكال رائعة
والاطفال كمان ليهم نصيب معانا… الحليسرين دايما حلو وامان ليهم -
Lavender Bar
لافندر بار… تحفة في شكلها، ريحتها وفايدتها
Lavender oil has many uses for treating the skin. It naturally reduces inflammation, lessens pain, and cleans the surface of the skin.