Natural Soaps
Mojito ALoe Vera & Cucumber facial bar
تشربوا ” موهيتو” معايا؟🥰🥰
صابونة مبدعة بجل الصبار ومية الخيار ومعطرة بخليط من النعناع والليمون المنعش.. ما احنا خلاص دخلنا في عز الصيف والحر بيشد اكتر واكتر، فبشرتنا محتاجة ترطيب عالي وتغذية… ومن هنا خلطة الصابونة السحرية دى🥰🥰 -
Tea tree soap
Tea tree soap , With tea tree oil, peppermint and vitamin E
صابونة شجرة الشاي
بزيت شجرة الشاي و النعناع و فيتامين E
Kids soap package includes:
2 emoji
1 pack Dinasour ( 2 pieces )
1 pack Lego ( 3 Blocks )
The Soap is Natural, HandMade enriched with shea butter, vitamin E and Glycerin. -
Winter Wonder
Bitter gum and Anis oil… a soap to remember.
Anise oil provides antioxidant protection that can help to protect the skin.
وكمان مدوًبة فيها لبان دكر.. يعني كولاجين طبيعي.. يشد البشرة ويرجعها نضرة وجميلة -
Lavender Bar
لافندر بار… تحفة في شكلها، ريحتها وفايدتها
Lavender oil has many uses for treating the skin. It naturally reduces inflammation, lessens pain, and cleans the surface of the skin.
ماتفوًتهاش -
صابون الجلسرين بالكركديه وزيت الكريز
Khatoon Roselle & Cherry oil glysrin soap
With grounded Roselle
For normal skin -
Coffee Soap
Natural glysrin soap with grounded Coffee & Rosehip Oil.. Coffee is a natural antioxidant, which is so useful for your skin.
Antiaging , Anti Acne & cleans your skin.
Perfect for oily & mixed skin -
Lavender & Rosemary Soap
Lavender & Rosemary oils is one of the most useful oils to our skin , especially oily & mixed skin.
They have purifying & antibacterial properties .
So they were our choice to make an unique soap recipe.
Khatoon lavender & Rosemary Soap leave your skin soft & moisturize . -
Cyperus and Lavender Natural Cold Process Soap
This Cyperus and Lavender Cold Process Soap decreases undesired body hair growth.
Passion Fruit | Orange Facial Soap
Refresh and revitalize your skin with our Passion Fruit Facial Soap. This gentle cleanser is packed with antioxidants and vitamins, helping to hydrate, condition, and promote skin renewal. Enjoy a softer, smoother, and more radiant complexion.
Scent: Passion Fruit & Sweet Almond
Color: Orange