Natural Soaps
Soft and Firm Skin
A unique product that we have as one of our best seller; Castile liquid shower. Made of virgin olive oil, rich scented and highly conditioning to your body. Coupled with our best seller collagen bar full of bittergum extract and anis oil.
Firm skin and moisturizing
Useful package includes travel size natural deodorant with mint oil and coconut, very effective. One nicely shaped pure glycerine bar and our best seller bittergum married with Anis herb to firm your skin and enhance the level of collagen within.
Whitening Effect Package
The package has 3 rich products that would leave your face lightened up with the coffee effect on the skin and your body as soft as baby’s skin with our unique 2 in 1 sugar scrub, and finally our sweet scented chia seed facial bar full of vitamins and useful acids.
Little steps soap
Little steps soap for kids with cocoa butter in 4 colors ( pink – violet-green- blue)
Tea tree soap
Tea tree soap , With tea tree oil, peppermint and vitamin E
صابونة شجرة الشاي
بزيت شجرة الشاي و النعناع و فيتامين E
Honey oatmeal soap
✨Honey oatmeal soap 🍯
With coconut ,vitamin E oil, honey and oatmeal.
For all skin types.
صابونة العسل و الشوفان
بزيت جوز الهند و فيتامين E و العسل و الشوفان
Terrazzo soap
Terrazzo soap
With coconut oil 🥥 & vitamin E suitable for all types of skin 🧏🏻♀️
صابونة تيررازو
بفوايد زيت جوز الهند 🥥 و فيتامين E لجميع انواع البشرة.
Orange soap
✨Orange soap ✨
With sweet almond ,orange , vitamin E oils for oily skin. 🧏🏻♀️
✨صابونة البرتقال✨
بزيت اللوز و البرتقال و فيتامين E
Geometric soap
✨Geometric soap✨
With shea butter & vitamin E for Dry Skin 🧏🏻♀️
✨صابونة جيومترك✨
بزبدة الشيا و فيتامين E -
Charcoal glysrin soap
It’s a natural glysrin soap with natural additives, Charcoal, Orange peel Oil & Lavander Oil.
That’s because the natural properties for it’s ingredients.
Lavander Oil, purify your skin
Orange peels oil, vitamin C , anti acne & cleans your skin
charcoal is our nenja ingredient , very useful to black heads & whitening your skin .