Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist-75 ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Blue berry Detangling Hair Mist- 75 ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Blueberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Candy Detangling Hair Mist -75ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the candy Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Jojoba Oil Leave-in Hair Cream
Jojoba oil natural leave-in hair cream👩
كريم الشعر بزيت الجوجوبا💙
⬅️يحافظ زيت الجوجوبا على صحة الشعر ولمعانه. كما أنه ممتاز للشعر الجاف.
⬅️يحفز نمو الشعر و يساعد على منع تساقطه
⬅️ يُشكِّل زيت الجوجوبا طبقة حماية فوق ساق الشعرة، ممَّا يُرطِّب الشعر، ويحميه من التلف، ويحفظ الرطوبة داخله
Sulfate-Free Shampoo
Baby blue Sulfate-Free shampoo💙
New formula and a new look💙
شامبو بلا دموع خالى من مادة صوديوم لوريل سلفات و السليكون و البرابين.
sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) free ✔️
Silicon free ✔️
Paraben free ✔️ -
Our Amazing Head Band made from 100% Organic cotton to help you while applying Face Masks, Makeup, Facial skin care or even sleeping.
SOS Hair Hyaluronic Acid serum(60ml)
Hyaluronic acid is known for its strong hydration properties which helps to restore moisture to skin and hair. Combined with oils compatible with hair structure, it is an ideal treatment for damaged hair to restore it to its original condition. Leaving it shiny and healthy looking as well as taming frizz. suitable for all types of hair porosity as well as curly hair.