Sleeping Hair Bonnet
High quality silk satin sleeping bonnet to wear while sleeping with dry hair. For optimum results, tie your hair with a silk satin scrunchie as well.
Benefits of silk satin bonnet:
- Maintain your hair curls for longer
- Prevents hair fall
- Prevents hair frizz
- Keeps your hair shinny & looking healthy
- Protects your hair from dryness caused by friction with your usual cotton pillowcase
- Doesn’t absorb your hair products, therefore, keeps your hair moisturized
- Prevents hair damage & split ends
- forgiving elastic = no headache
Hair Balm
Nourishing hair balm made from shea butter, cocoa butter and oils that nourishes your hair, helps you get smooth, ant-frizz hair.
Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist-75 ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Blue berry Detangling Hair Mist- 75 ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Blueberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Candy Detangling Hair Mist -75ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the candy Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Jojoba Oil Leave-in Hair Cream
Jojoba oil natural leave-in hair cream👩
كريم الشعر بزيت الجوجوبا💙
⬅️يحافظ زيت الجوجوبا على صحة الشعر ولمعانه. كما أنه ممتاز للشعر الجاف.
⬅️يحفز نمو الشعر و يساعد على منع تساقطه
⬅️ يُشكِّل زيت الجوجوبا طبقة حماية فوق ساق الشعرة، ممَّا يُرطِّب الشعر، ويحميه من التلف، ويحفظ الرطوبة داخله
Sulfate-Free Shampoo
Baby blue Sulfate-Free shampoo💙
New formula and a new look💙
شامبو بلا دموع خالى من مادة صوديوم لوريل سلفات و السليكون و البرابين.
sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) free ✔️
Silicon free ✔️
Paraben free ✔️