افرشاة مساج للشعر
وصف المنتج :
فرشاة مساج لفروة الراس ،مصممة بشكل صغير وخفيف الوزن لسهولة الحمل
استعد لوخز مبهج وراحة عميقة ستشعر بأثرها حتى أصابع قدمك
فوائد استخدام فرشاة المساج للفروة :
مُدلك فروة الرأس يمكنه أن يريح العضلات المجهدة بسرعة وفعالية
أداة تتيح لك تدليك رأسك للشعور بالاسترخاء ،بعد مرور ثوانٍ على استخدامك لأداة تدليك فروة الرأس هذه، ستشعر بزوال كل همومك
مُدلك فروة الرأس يمكنه أن يريح العضلات المجهدة بسرعة وفعالية
منتج يعمل أيضاً على تنشيط الدورة الدورة الدموية ومساعدة الدم للوصول الي فروة الراس بشكل مثالي، كما أنه يعد اختياراً مناسباً للتدليك يمكن استخدامه بنفسك
Meraki sulphate and silicone free conditioner
A blend of rich oils, coconut wax and beeswax fortifies, strengthens and moisturizes the hair. It coats the hair with a protective layer, restoring it to its original state, and helps define natural curls. The lactic acid helps detox the scalp and decreases hair breakage.
Meraki sulphate, Silicone, soap free shampoo
This shampoo is rich with oils that help cleanse, moisturize, hydrate and fortify the hair leaving it shiny and healthy as well as stopping hair loss.
Floral Hair Mask
Floral Hair Mask is a deep repair hair mask for all hair types, giving extra strength to your hair, SULFATE-FREE
Sleeping Hair Bonnet
High quality silk satin sleeping bonnet to wear while sleeping with dry hair. For optimum results, tie your hair with a silk satin scrunchie as well.
Benefits of silk satin bonnet:
- Maintain your hair curls for longer
- Prevents hair fall
- Prevents hair frizz
- Keeps your hair shinny & looking healthy
- Protects your hair from dryness caused by friction with your usual cotton pillowcase
- Doesn’t absorb your hair products, therefore, keeps your hair moisturized
- Prevents hair damage & split ends
- forgiving elastic = no headache
Hair Balm
Nourishing hair balm made from shea butter, cocoa butter and oils that nourishes your hair, helps you get smooth, ant-frizz hair.
Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist-75 ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Strawberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.
Blue berry Detangling Hair Mist- 75 ml
Get rid of pesky knots and tangles in your hair, with the Blueberry Detangling Hair Mist from The Bath Land. A lightweight and nourishing spray that will leave you hair smooth and soft. Enriched with natural oils and a signature scent, this formula will lightly dress the hair ensuring perfect tangle free locks.