Candy Fairy Magic Conditioner
Keeps your hair hydrated, smooth, soft and frizz-free .
Candy Fairy Magic conditioner is natural, handmade, sulfate free and parabens free -
Hair Growth Booster
ضعف الشعر ونموه من اكبر المشاكل اللي بتواجهنا ، علشان كدا بنقدم لك محفز نمو الشعر، المكون من زيوت طبيعيه مثل زيت اللوز الحلو ،زيت بذر الكتان و زيت اكليل الجبل، تعتبر الزيوت دي من اهم المكونات لشعر صحي و منبت شعر قوي
Pre-order takes 3 days
Healthy hair and soothing skin effect
Interesting package for your hair.Includes a magical hair conditioner with different natural oils that are very useful to the hair such as tea tree, orange, laurel oils. Our sulphate and praben free shampoo made of castor, sunflower and coconut oils. Finally a facial and shampoo bar lavender soap bar.. the latest to our editions… soothing effect and anti-inflammation to both the skin and the hair.