Honey color silk pillowcase
1 (single piece) silk pillowcase
Honey color
50cm x 70cm
1 كيس خدادية مقاس 50×70 لون عسلي
Argan Leave-in Conditioner
Hair styling leave-in conditioner
Softens & moisturizes hair
Reduces frizz
Suitable for all hair types
Ingredients: Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter & Panthenol
Size: 200 gmOrders take 5-7 business days
Disclaimer: All Products Are Cruelty Free, Paraben Free & Alcohol Free.
Hair Reviving Oil
Help have much more softer and smellier hair….Easier to comb and Shinny
This oil provides your hair with Vitamins Like E and A, Oleic and linoleic fatty acids, Zinc and much more nourishing elements
The Bahamas Thermal Microwavable Conditioning Cap
The Bahamas Conditioning Cap is chilled out, festive, and graceful!
Cotton fabric and natural flaxseed filling. Kindly read the instructions carefully before using 🌹Get yours today from The Pampering People!
Meraki sulphate and silicone free conditioner
A blend of rich oils, coconut wax and beeswax fortifies, strengthens and moisturizes the hair. It coats the hair with a protective layer, restoring it to its original state, and helps define natural curls. The lactic acid helps detox the scalp and decreases hair breakage.
Meraki sulphate, Silicone, soap free shampoo
This shampoo is rich with oils that help cleanse, moisturize, hydrate and fortify the hair leaving it shiny and healthy as well as stopping hair loss.
Jojoba Oil Leave-in Hair Cream
Jojoba oil natural leave-in hair cream👩
كريم الشعر بزيت الجوجوبا💙
⬅️يحافظ زيت الجوجوبا على صحة الشعر ولمعانه. كما أنه ممتاز للشعر الجاف.
⬅️يحفز نمو الشعر و يساعد على منع تساقطه
⬅️ يُشكِّل زيت الجوجوبا طبقة حماية فوق ساق الشعرة، ممَّا يُرطِّب الشعر، ويحميه من التلف، ويحفظ الرطوبة داخله
SOS Hair Hyaluronic Acid serum(60ml)
Hyaluronic acid is known for its strong hydration properties which helps to restore moisture to skin and hair. Combined with oils compatible with hair structure, it is an ideal treatment for damaged hair to restore it to its original condition. Leaving it shiny and healthy looking as well as taming frizz. suitable for all types of hair porosity as well as curly hair.
Silver Grey color silk pillowcase
1 (single piece) silk pillowcase
Silvery Grey
50cm x 70cm
1 كيس خدادية مقاس 50×70 لون عسلي