Bath & Body

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Musk oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Here are some of the main benefits of the Musk Essential Oil,
    – It’s enriched with vitamin A which keeps the skin healthy and young
    -helps in wound healing, and treats rheumatism.
    -Helps in the health of the liver as it purifies the blood from toxins.
    -It is also considered as a natural antiseptic for insect and pet bites and protects against their toxins.

    Now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the face.

    فيما يلي بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت المسك الأساسي،
    فهو غني بفيتامين أ الذي يحافظ على صحة الجلد وشبابه
    ويساعد في التئامالجروح-
    ويعالج الروماتيزم-
    يساعد في صحة الكبد لأنه ينقي الدم من السموم-
    كما يعتبر مطه ًرا طبيع ًيا للدغات الحشرات والحيوانات الأليفة ويقي من سمو

    الآن كل ما عليك فعله هو التوجه إلى وطلبها DMs

    تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Yalng Yalng essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    Here are some of the main benefits of the Ylang Ylang Essential Oil,
    -Alleviating anxiety
    -Lower blood pressure
    -Decreasing heart rate
    -Boosting your mood
    -Reducing depression

    Now all you have to do is to head to the DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the skin.

    من أهم الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت Ylang Ylang الأساسي.
    يخفف من القلق-
    يقلل من ضغط الدم-
    يقلل من ضربات القلب-
    يحسن المزا-

    كل ما عليك الآن هو التوجه إلى
    !Dm وطلبها

    تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء اختبار حساسية الجلد

  • Sold By: Pink Lotus

    chocolate essential oil

    Sold By: Pink Lotus

    ere are some of the main benefits of the Chocolate Essential Oil,
    -Stimulates the nervous system
    -Evokes psycho-physical well-being; for this reason, it is helpful for those who feel stuck and too controlled in their behaviors.

    Head to our DMs and order yours!

    ⚠️⚠️Warning: Not to be used if you’re pregnant or with kids and a sensitivity test must be done before applying to the face.

    من بعض الفوائد الرئيسية لزيت الشوكولاتة
    إنه يحفز الجهاز العصبي
    ويحفز الصحة الجسدية النفسية ولهذا السبب،
    فهو مفيد لأولئك الأشخاص الذين يشعرون بالتعثر والتحكم الشديد في سلوكياتهم

    توجه للرسائل واطلب الآن
    تحذير: لا ينصح باستخدام هذا المنتج للحوامل أو الأطفال ويجب إجراء
    اختبار حساسية الجلد قبل الاستخدام.

  • Sold By: Meraki

    Meraki body lotion

    Sold By: Meraki

    A light texture lotion that is easily absorbed. The active ingredients include many anti-aging oils that tighten, moisturize and hydrate the skin.

  • Sold By: Meraki

    Meraki shower gel

    Sold By: Meraki

    This shower gel does not contain soap making it gentle even on the most sensitive skin.
    The lactic acid which is the active ingredient in milk ensures a soft touch to the skin as well as tightening and removing dead cells.

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Dry brush

    Sold By: basma natural

    Gently massage and exfoliate your skin with this Round Body Brush. Skin will be left softer and smoother to the touch.

    Body brush
    Removes dead skin cells
    Helps to stimulate circulation
    Ideal for regular exfoliation

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Citrus body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    This citrus body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.

    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Sugar love body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    This rose & vanilla body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.

    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Oud body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    This oud body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.

    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Musk body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    Musk is a subtle scent with powerful effects. It’s delicate, calming and wonderfully enchanting.
    This body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.

    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

  • Sold By: basma natural

    Lavender body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    Get a deep night’s sleep &wake up feeling fresh with our lavender sleep mist.

    Bsically, lavender works by calming the central nervous and promoting slow-wave sleeps helping you sleep longer and better.

    How to use :
    after along day ,before sleeping spray lavender body mist around your bed or spray it on your body.
    size :175 ml

    Want that body mist to last even longer? use our lavender Body Lotion, or even our lavender Deodorant.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.


  • Sold By: basma natural

    Blueberry body mist

    Sold By: basma natural

    Get a refreshing and uplifting burst of fragrance with our natural blueberry body mist.
    Perfect for you need a quick refreshing.
    this body mist gives you feel-good vibes wherever you are,whatever you are doing.
    Grab one in every flavour to stash in your desk drawer, handbag and gym bag. Mix it up, swap them, and carry one everywhere.
    170 ml
    How to use
    Spray onto your body especially neck and pulse points.


    Store in a cool dry place away from light ,Stop using in case of allergies.

    made in Egypt

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