• Sold By: Meshota

    folk art bag

    Sold By: Meshota

    Genuine leather bag in bright folk art colors
    Using prominent engraving technology on natural leather
    Dimensions 27*35*9
    Back pocket
    Interior pocket


    Classic Elegant Leather Bag


    Understated elegance redefined ๐Ÿ–ค. Unveiling our latest opus in leather craftsmanship:
    a harmonious fusion of timeless grace and contemporary design.

  • Sold By: Moontagy

    Cloud curl clutch

    Sold By: Moontagy

    eco friendly fluffy clutch , cloud-like texture with a touch of elegance


  • Farm House tote
    Sold By: Hippie Pieces

    Farm House Tote

    Sold By: Hippie Pieces

    Farm house- A shoulder tote design inspired from nature and coziness feeling
    Dimensions: 28 cm*45 cm
    <<<100% handmade with love>>>

  • cow boy

    Casual bag made of natural leather. The finest types of cowhide, which is nubuck leather with fixed colors,

  • Color collection

    our unique soiree clutch is made with ASFORย Crystals, itย comes in any color and design you wish.

    It takes about 4-5 days to be ready, it isย 100% hand made with love.

    Forย customization you can contact: 01021181353. (Price varies with your design and clutch shape.)

  • ุดู†ุทู‡ ุฌู„ุฏ ุทุจูŠุนูŠ

  • A distinctive elegant bag

    ุดู†ุทุฉ ุงู„ุนู…ู„ ู„ุฃู†ู‡ุง ุชูƒูˆู† ุฅุถุงูุฉ ู…ู…ูŠุฒุฉ ู„ู…ุธู‡ุฑูƒ ุงู„ูŠูˆู…ูŠ ุณูˆุงุก ูƒู†ุช ู…ุญุงู…ูŠุฉ ุดุงุทุฑุฉุŒ ุฏูƒุชูˆุฑุฉ.ุŒ ุฃูˆ ู…ุฏุฑุณุฉ ู…ู…ูŠุฒุฉ. ู…ู†ุชุฌุงุช ู…ู† ุงู„ุฌู„ุฏ ุงู„ุทุจูŠุนูŠ ู‚ูŠู… ุฌุฏุงู‹ุŒ ุชู†ุงุณุจ ุณูˆู‚ ุงู„ุดุบู„ ุงู„ูŠูˆู…ูŠ ูˆุชุถููŠ ู„ู…ุณุฉ ู…ู† ู„ู…ุณุฉ ุฃู†ูŠู‚ุฉ ุณูˆุงุก ูƒู†ุชู ุชูุถู„ูŠู† ุงู„ู„ุจุณ ุงู„ููˆุฑู…ุงู„ ุฃูˆ ุงู„ูƒุงุฌูˆุงู„.

    *ู…ูˆุงุตูุงุช ุงู„ุดู†ุทุฉ*:
    โ€“ *ุงู„ุนุฑุถ*: 37 ุณู…
    โ€“ *ุงู„ุงุฑุชูุงุน* : 27 ุณู…
    โ€“ *ุงู„ุนู…ู‚ ู…ู† ุงู„ุฌุงู†ุจ*: 17 ุณู…
    โ€“ *ุงู„ู„ูˆู†*: ู…ุงุฑูˆู† ู†ุจูŠุชูŠ ู…ู…ูŠุฒ

    ุดู†ุทุฉ ู…ุชุจุทู†ู‡ ุจุงู„ูƒุงู…ู„ ุจุงู„ุฌู„ุฏ ุงู„ุทุจูŠุนูŠุŒ ูˆูŠู…ูƒู†ู†ุง ุฃู† ู†ุญูุฑ ุงุณู…ู‹ูƒ ุนู„ูŠู‡ุง ู„ุฌุนู„ู‡ุง ุฎุงุตุฉ ุจูƒ ูˆู…ุชู…ูŠุฒุฉ!

  • Sold By: Moontagy

    Infinity purse

    Sold By: Moontagy

    ecofriendly big handbag

    made of cotton

    include interior


  • Youth collection

    Elevate your elegance with this crystal soiree clutch, which gives you the freedom to choose from our uniqueย  accessories and chains collection, resulting in a truly beautiful piece of art.

    It takes about 4-5 days to be ready, it isย 100% hand made with love.


    Forย customizationย  you can contact: 01021181353 (Price varies with your design and clutch shape)


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