Khatoon Nail Serum ,, سيروم الاظافر
It’s our new product for summer holidays, khatoon Nail Serum, which can provide your Nails with the required moisture and make them more strong and have a healthy look
Khatoon bundle
We offer you our bundle, which you can customize it according to your favourite products
Khatoon water (new size)
New size of our khatoon water, 50ml , easy to carry everywhere,to apply your skin routine
Khatoon water is antiaging formula from Orange peels extract, Frankincense extract & Khatoon oily special formula -
Natural Rose Water
Khatoon Natural Rose Water in its new size.
Catshy and portable.. Moisturize your skin with our natural rose water.
ماء الورد المحضر يدويا من خاتون الان ف عبوه جديده..سهله ف الحمل والسفر..يساعدك ع ترطيب بشرتك وتنظيم إفراز الدهون -
Vanilla Solid Cream الكريم الصلب
Olive oil, Shea butter are our secret and Vanilla which leaves lovely smell on your skin .
Cherry lip balm زبده الشفاه بزيت الكريز
Natural Formula from coconut oil,Shea butter & Cherry oil to mousitriz your lips all over the day
Lavender & Rosemary Soap
Lavender & Rosemary oils is one of the most useful oils to our skin , especially oily & mixed skin.
They have purifying & antibacterial properties .
So they were our choice to make an unique soap recipe.
Khatoon lavender & Rosemary Soap leave your skin soft & moisturize . -
Coffee Soap
Natural glysrin soap with grounded Coffee & Rosehip Oil.. Coffee is a natural antioxidant, which is so useful for your skin.
Antiaging , Anti Acne & cleans your skin.
Perfect for oily & mixed skin -
Charcoal glysrin soap
It’s a natural glysrin soap with natural additives, Charcoal, Orange peel Oil & Lavander Oil.
That’s because the natural properties for it’s ingredients.
Lavander Oil, purify your skin
Orange peels oil, vitamin C , anti acne & cleans your skin
charcoal is our nenja ingredient , very useful to black heads & whitening your skin . -
Yallang yallang oil Soap
Yallang yallang is an Isian oil which already used In spas, But khatoon discovered it’s benefits to the oily skin to get more benefits.
Very useful for oily& mixed skin, decreases the oily skin & pores. -
Khatoon Natural Rose Water
Khatoon Natural Rose Water is a natural handmade toner which is important to the oily skin.
Khatoon glysrin soap
Natural glysrin soap with our special formula. Coconut oil, castor oil & pure glysrin.
صابون الجلسرين بزيت الجوجوبا وزيت شجرة الشاي Natural glysrin soap with Jojoba &tea tree ti
Natural glysrin soap with our unique mixed oils which are Jojoba & tea tree oil
For oily & mixed skin -
Larose Water ماء لاروز الطبيعي من خاتون
Larose Water is a natural Extract from lavender & rosemary plants..
For oily & mixed skin
For hair &forSuitable for daily use in school days to refresh hair.. protect your hair from air, sun and dust .
صابون الجلسرين بالكركديه وزيت الكريز
Khatoon Roselle & Cherry oil glysrin soap
With grounded Roselle
For normal skin -