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Tea set- Butterflies and flowers طقم الشاي
طقم شاي كامل بتصميم الفراشات و الورد 4 كوبايات شاي كبيرة + صينية ستانلس مقاس 35 سم + براد شاي الومنيوم مقاس 2 لتر
كله مرسوم يدوي بدقة و عنايةA complete tea set with the design of Butterflies and Flowers 4 big tea cups + 35 cm stainless tray + aluminum tea pot size 2 L
It is all hand painted with precision and care -
Cotton-jute placemats
A set of 6 circular placemats set , 35cm diameter made of cotton and jute strings
Customizable Porcelain Mug
Porcelain Mug
To be prepared upon request in 1-2 weeks
NO return, refund, or exchange
Arabic Style Electricity Box Cover Beige x Gold
Wooden electricity box cover with hooks for keys in arabic design and calligraphy